[SOLVED] Unable to restrict Users to delete Public Channel

Hi Support,

I’ve upgraded Mattermost from 3.6 to 4.2. I was able to do the same in previouse version “3.6”.

Here is my Team setting,
“TeamSettings”: {
“SiteName”: " Messenger",
“MaxUsersPerTeam”: 510,
“EnableTeamCreation”: false,
“EnableUserCreation”: true,
“EnableOpenServer”: false,
“RestrictCreationToDomains”: “xxx.com”,
“EnableCustomBrand”: false,
“CustomBrandText”: “”,
“CustomDescriptionText”: “”,
“RestrictDirectMessage”: “any”,
“RestrictTeamInvite”: “all”,
“RestrictPublicChannelManagement”: “system_admin”,
“RestrictPrivateChannelManagement”: “all”,
“RestrictPublicChannelCreation”: “system_admin”,
“RestrictPrivateChannelCreation”: “all”,
“RestrictPublicChannelDeletion”: “system_admin”,
“RestrictPrivateChannelDeletion”: “all”,
“RestrictPrivateChannelManageMembers”: “all”,
“EnableXToLeaveChannelsFromLHS”: false,
“UserStatusAwayTimeout”: 300,
“MaxChannelsPerTeam”: 2000,
“MaxNotificationsPerChannel”: 1000,
“TeammateNameDisplay”: “full_name”,
“ExperimentalTownSquareIsReadOnly”: false

Request all to please help me here to get this resolve. I’m using Opensource version.

Saboor M.

Hi @ooozys,

Thank you for your feedback,

This feature isn’t available in the team edition at present.

Team edition is for small, trusted environments where users would be trusted not to delete channels, etc.