I was attempting to upgrade from 5.18.0 to 5.31.0. by following the steps in Redirect.
I first tried to follow the steps to go directly to 5.31.0 but the mattermost server would not start. Then I noticed the Note that said rolling upgrades can only be done by one minor version number at a time. So I tried 5.19.3.
The steps were as follows:
cd /tmp
wget https://releases.mattermost.com/5.19.3/mattermost-5.19.3-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar -xf mattermost*.gz --transform=‘s,[1]+,\0-upgrade,’
systemctl stop mattermost
cd /opt
find mattermost/ mattermost/client/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! ( -type d ( -path mattermost/client -o -path mattermost/client/plugins -o -path mattermost/config -o -path mattermost/logs -o -path mattermost/plugins -o -path mattermost/data ) -prune ) | sort | sudo xargs echo rm -r
chown -hR www-data:www-data /tmp/mattermost-upgrade/
cp -an /tmp/mattermost-upgrade/. mattermost/
rm -r /tmp/mattermost-upgrade/
rm /tmp/mattermost*.gz
systemctl start mattermost
/opt/mattermost/bin/mattermost version
It seems to go smoothly but the results of 12. are:
Version: 5.18.0
Build Number: 5.18.0
Build Date: Tue Dec 17 05:01:10 UTC 2019
Build Hash: cd38d63bf448ae791f252c3704a705e94b26959f
Build Enterprise Ready: true
DB Version: 5.18.0
Any ideas on why the version number did not update to 5.19.3?
Can I upgrade directly to 5.31.0? If I must do it by each minor version I think I can write a bash script to do it.
^/ ↩︎