Since updating to mattermost 6.0, whenever I switch channels in the app I have to wait from 3 to 15 seconds because of a slow /api/v4/users/<id>/channels/<id>/posts/unread?limit_after=30&limit_before=30&skipFetchThreads=false&collapsedThreads=false&collapsedThreadsExtended=false API call.
Steps to reproduce
On our installation, switching channels is sufficient to trigger this behavior.
Expected behavior
The channels should load faster.
Observed behavior
I noticed a weird thing, the response shows a bunch of messages that I have already read, as I don’t have any unread badges in my whole mattermost app.
I am experiencing the same issue ever since upgrading to 6.0, set EnablePermalinkPreviews=false and rebooted. Problem remains. And like with @luca-nardelli it is the unread call I am waiting for:
@luca-nardelli - Ensure that you are running the latest mmctl packaged with 6.0. If you are using that, then I’m not very sure why that’s happening. Are you able to set other config options?
@tomz - Thanks for the confirmation. You can set it back to true if you prefer. I was just trying to isolate if that feature was responsible in any way.
Yeah, somehow the update to 6.1 “fixed” the mmctl issue I had previously reported.
I ran the following to apply the setting (without restarting mattermost)
mmctl --local config set ServiceSettings.EnablePermalinkPreviews false
mmctl --local config reload
By the way, reproducing the issue is not super easy, because it looks like the /unread call is cached for some time, and subsequent calls (i.e. accesses to the channel) by the same user return quickly, but I guess it expires after some hours.
I’ll leave the option disabled for some time to better see how it fares
~ $ mmctl --local config get ServiceSettings.EnableLinkPreviews
~ $ mmctl --local config set ServiceSettings.EnableLinkPreviews false
Value changed successfully
~ $ mmctl --local config get ServiceSettings.EnableLinkPreviews
~ $ mmctl --local config get ServiceSettings.EnablePermalinkPreviews
~ $
Tried setting that now, and it looks like that did the trick! Of course we don’t have link previews now, but the loading times seem much more consistent. In the screenshot below I was opening random channels and you you can probably see when I disabled that ^^. By the way, I don’t know if it helps, but the slowest channel of them all was my personal account channel/scratchpad, where I have a bunch of links I’m saving for later (which would make sense since the issue is linked to link previews).
When the endpoint is loading (up to 25 seconds) our Postgres logs are filled with the following statements:
2021-11-26 12:28:29.682 CET [32350] DETAIL: key « (hash)=(2252281287) » already exists.
2021-11-26 12:28:29.682 CET [32350] INSTRUCTION : insert into "linkmetadata" ("hash","url","timestamp","type","data") values ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5);
2021-11-26 12:28:29.694 CET [31892] ERROR: duplicate key for constraint « linkmetadata_pkey »
(sorry for the approximate translation)
The hashes value are related to links that are posted in the channel being loaded, so it’s most certainly related to the slow loading time. I turned off the link preview setting through the UI console, and we’ll see how it goes.