followed instructions found in at GitHub - mattermost/mattermost-plugin-zoom: Zoom plugin for Mattermost 🔌
- OAuth client ID/secret properly configured in mm system console for zoom plugin;
- running “/zoom start” from mm chat window produces bot output with link “Click here to link your Zoom account”;
- “Zoom Authorization” pop-up opens inviting account email/password;
- after entering email/password for zoom account, presented with allow/decline for access;
- upon clicking allow button, pop-up window clears content and prints “missing authorization code”
… since this produces no observable corresponding output in mattermost.log, looks like it has to do with configuration on zoom app side, but i followed the steps published in git repo README several times with no different result.
anybody had this issue before?
may help (?) troubleshooting to know that validation fails when i try to validate the webhook secret in the zoom app configuration ?
my configuration has mm running in a docker container behind traefik (for reverse proxy SSL termination); traefik is also running in a docker container; router forwards ports 80 and 443 to traefik for resolution. everything with mm runs fine (including calls plugin w/ recording), except for zoom connection.