I am attempting to add an attachment before a message is posted. Here is the error I am seeing in the logs.
{"level":"warn","ts":1557951449.9072876,"caller":"app/post.go:298","msg":"Failed to attach file to post","file_id":"oz6m7o4qmibhuxufk14j6uf1cr","post_id":"mjkiu9gtwjf1z83s6adwwfqyye","error":"SqlFileInfoStore.AttachToPost: Unable to attach the file info to the post, post_id=mjkiu9gtwjf1z83s6adwwfqyye, file_id=oz6m7o4qmibhuxufk14j6uf1cr"}
Am I approaching this the wrong way? I’m leaving stuff out but I believe the relevant API calls are
p.API.UploadFile(pdfdata, post.ChannelId, "my-sample.pdf")
post.FileIds = append(post.FileIds, newfileids...)
The file is being saved on the server filesystem successfully fwiw.