When I am trying to add the integration with mattermost slash command, I follow the Add to Mattermost button. But it is returning No session could be set up, is Mattermost configured with Single Sign On?
Steps to reproduce
- Install Mattermost through omnibus. As referred here
- Go to Any Project > Settings > Integration and click on Mattermost Slash Commands.
- Click on Add to Mattermost
Currently running GitLab 9.4.3
with the following /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
external_url ""
nginx['redirect_http_to_https'] = true
nginx['ssl_certificate'] = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/"
nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/"
nginx['custom_gitlab_server_config'] = "location ^~ /.well-known { root /var/www/letsencrypt; }"
# SMTP Emailing
gitlab_rails['smtp_enable'] = true
gitlab_rails['smtp_address'] = "some.mail.server"
gitlab_rails['smtp_port'] = 465
gitlab_rails['smtp_user_name'] = ""
gitlab_rails['smtp_password'] = "supersecretpassword"
gitlab_rails['smtp_domain'] = ""
gitlab_rails['smtp_authentication'] = "login"
gitlab_rails['smtp_enable_starttls_auto'] = true
gitlab_rails['smtp_openssl_verify_mode'] = 'peer'
gitlab_rails['smtp_tls'] = true
gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_from'] = ''
gitlab_rails['gitlab_email_reply_to'] = ''
# MatterMost
mattermost_external_url ''
mattermost_nginx['custom_gitlab_mattermost_server_config'] = "location ^~ /.well-known { root /var/www/mattermost; }"
#mattermost['email_enable_sign_in_with_email'] = true
mattermost['email_enable_sign_up_with_email'] = true
mattermost['email_send_email_notifications'] = true
mattermost['email_smtp_username'] = ""
mattermost['email_smtp_password'] = "supersecretpassword"
mattermost['email_smtp_server'] = "some.mail.server"
mattermost['email_smtp_port'] = "465"
mattermost['email_connection_security'] = 'TLS'
mattermost['email_feedback_name'] = "WPQuark Chat"
mattermost['email_feedback_email'] = ""
mattermost['service_enable_incoming_webhooks'] = true
mattermost['service_enable_commands'] = true
mattermost['service_enable_only_admin_integrations'] = true
The relevant portion of the Mattermost log file at /var/log/gitlab/mattermost/mattermost.log
2017-08-02_14:17:17.02101 [2017/08/02 19:47:17 IST] [INFO] Server is listening on
2017-08-02_14:17:17.02244 [2017/08/02 19:47:17 IST] [INFO] Starting jobs
2017-08-02_14:19:25.44265 [2017/08/02 19:49:25 IST] [EROR] AuthorizeOAuthUser: Invalid state,
2017-08-02_14:22:24.40188 [2017/08/02 19:52:24 IST] [EROR] AuthorizeOAuthUser: Invalid state,
2017-08-02_14:25:13.28750 [2017/08/02 19:55:13 IST] [EROR] AuthorizeOAuthUser: Invalid state,
2017-08-02_14:35:49.50315 [2017/08/02 20:05:49 IST] [INFO] Config file watcher detected a change reloading /var/opt/gitlab/matt$2017-08-02_14:35:49.77653 [2017/08/02 20:05:49 IST] [INFO] Stopped jobs
2017-08-02_14:35:49.77673 [2017/08/02 20:05:49 IST] [INFO] Stopping Server...
2017-08-02_14:35:49.77673 [2017/08/02 20:05:49 IST] [INFO] Closing SqlStore
2017-08-02_14:35:50.05346 [2017/08/02 20:05:50 IST] [INFO] Loaded system translations for 'en' from '/opt/gitlab/embedded/servi$2017-08-02_14:35:51.63763 [2017/08/02 20:05:51 IST] [INFO] Current version is 4.0.0 (4.0.2/Fri Jul 28 19:49:45 UTC 2017/f71cc06$2017-08-02_14:35:51.63766 [2017/08/02 20:05:51 IST] [INFO] Enterprise Enabled: false
2017-08-02_14:35:51.63766 [2017/08/02 20:05:51 IST] [INFO] Current working directory is /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/mattermost 2017-08-02_14:35:51.63766 [2017/08/02 20:05:51 IST] [INFO] Loaded config file from /var/opt/gitlab/mattermost/config.json
2017-08-02_14:35:51.63767 [2017/08/02 20:05:51 IST] [INFO] Server is initializing...
2017-08-02_14:35:51.63767 [2017/08/02 20:05:51 IST] [INFO] Pinging SQL master database
2017-08-02_14:35:51.64092 [2017/08/02 20:05:51 IST] [INFO] Pinging SQL replica-0 database
2017-08-02_14:35:51.67810 [2017/08/02 20:05:51 IST] [INFO] Initializing job API routes
2017-08-02_14:35:51.69171 [2017/08/02 20:05:51 IST] [INFO] API version 3 is scheduled for deprecation. Please see https://api.m$2017-08-02_14:35:51.69172 [2017/08/02 20:05:51 IST] [INFO] Starting 8 websocket hubs
2017-08-02_14:35:51.76472 [2017/08/02 20:05:51 IST] [INFO] Starting Server...
2017-08-02_14:35:51.76474 [2017/08/02 20:05:51 IST] [INFO] Server is listening on
2017-08-02_14:35:51.76549 [2017/08/02 20:05:51 IST] [INFO] Starting jobs
2017-08-02_14:36:59.25564 [2017/08/02 20:06:59 IST] [EROR] AuthorizeOAuthUser: Invalid state,
2017-08-02_14:41:28.66887 [2017/08/02 20:11:28 IST] [EROR] AuthorizeOAuthUser: Invalid state,
2017-08-02_14:42:17.68168 [2017/08/02 20:12:17 IST] [EROR] AuthorizeOAuthUser: Invalid state,
2017-08-02_14:45:30.08326 [2017/08/02 20:15:30 IST] [EROR] AuthorizeOAuthUser: Invalid state,
Is is due to the fact that gitlab is using https
and mattermost http
. I can’t test right now because let’s encrypt is still waiting for DNS propagation.