When I try to select a team with the CTRL+K key, even if I enter a character on the appearance search form, the circular dialog keeps going forever and the extraction result is not displayed.
I am Japanese and I use 2-byte characters mainly. I will not extract team registered with 1byte characters even if I search by 1byte character. For example, if a channel name is created as “ABC”, I will not be extracted even if I search by “ABC”.
This can not be done by Mac version application, Windows version application, or each Web browser operation.
Apparently it was not only there that I can not search.
In addition to the channel switching search form, I can not search even the search form when searching for the channel (name).
In the search form when add members to the team and add members to the channel, I was able to do a search. I’m also searching for posts.
It is a big difference whether I use 2 byte characters or not. The channel name may be 1 byte characters or 2 byte characters.
How can I search for channel names and team names?
Since you are Japanese and mentioned about the usage of 2-byte characters, I was wondering if you initially included the following configuration during the deployment of database that Mattermost is using on your end. The reason why I would like to check on this is due to the caveat in the documentation here - Database Software:
Deployments requiring searching in Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages require MySQL 5.7.6+ and the configuration of ngram Full-Text parser. For searching two characters, you will also need to set ft_min_word_len and innodb_ft_min_token_size to 2 and restart MySQL. See CJK discussion for details.
Since you are using MariaDB instead (we had a discussion to have it officially supported as per here initially), it will be helpful if you can provide screen shot(s) so we can get a clearer picture on the current issue that we are discussing here. Additionally, what charset / collation did you use for the database?
Also, can I also confirm what do you actually mean by searching for team name? As conversations are mainly divided to public / private channels and direct messages, are you referring to channels as teams? Keep us posted.
I introduced Mroonga/Groonga for Japanese search. I am recreating the index below.
MariaDB > ALTER TABLE `Channels` ENGINE = Mroonga;
MariaDB > ALTER TABLE `Posts` ENGINE = Mroonga;
When introducing them, I was specifying “1” as the following values let me specify “1” on the site I referred to them.
ft_min_word_len and innodb_ft_min_token_size
I have changed them to “2” this time. Then I input the search word and delete the one character from the end of the search term, the result is extracted. Can I make it possible to search without deleting characters?
I can search for postings in Japanese as well. I can not search for only channels.
No worries and thank you for the clarification. As per your statement here, it seems that the Channel search is working though it requires you to delete the character:
Since it does work for Posts normally (assuming that MariaDB was restarted after all the changes were made), I would like to understand the differences between these 2 tables here. Can you please run the following command on your SQL terminal and provide the outputs?
If they are the same, there might be a potential bug specific to the Channel search though it is yet to be fully confirmed.