Can’t connect to server from android mobile app

Hello. I have problem with connection to server from android app, when i try connect app write “cannot connect to the server” and have this log in nginx access.log
“HEAD / HTTP/1.1” 400 0 “-” “okhttp/4.12.0” “-”
“GET /api/v4/system/ping?time=1734026642838&device_id=android_rn-v2:fByU4h1TQNam0byZ6jnhC7:APA91bGz6K8Y6NkQqv3nMsJu2wfXoNgCYZkq_NJA94IIMNtsmhZC1fWIWxcTXji_S1o1V4D7T_MTsiEjSxsLpo7OrkerGEfG2xv88khnXhjWONi6DQWbx4w HTTP/1.1” 400 255 “-” “Mattermost Mobile/2.22.0+6000574 (Android; 13; RMX3820)” “-”

This problem only on mobile app, when i log in in web or desktop app i dont have problem.
Maybe someone know where i need to looking problem.

app version 2.22.0
mattermost release 10

Hi @testtest! It looks like the mobile app is encountering a 400 error, which can sometimes be related to reverse proxy or TLS configurations. I recommend reviewing the Nginx setup for Mattermost in our documentation: Nginx Configuration, and ensuring the required headers are correctly set. Let us know if this helps or if you need further guidance! :blush: