I can’t seem to get incoming Webhooks from Taiga working.
- I’ve created a new Incoming Webhook under “Inegrations”,
- added the payload URL (‘https://chat.202.si/hooks’ to Taiga,
- added the Webhook ID as the secret key in Taiga and
- sent a test payload (below are the results).
I guess for some reason Taiga is posting GET requests instead of POST?
2020-05-03T19:23:49.658+0200 debug web/handlers.go:85 Received HTTP request {“method”: “GET”, “url”: “/api/v4/license/client”, “request_id”: “ym7wnpw4tids9buybiortx8w3c”}
2020-05-03T19:23:51.227+0200 debug web/handlers.go:85 Received HTTP request {“method”: “GET”, “url”: “/api/v4/logs”, “request_id”: “imb47equiff88coriejxmwxmtr”}
What am I doing wrong here? I can post do POST requests via SSH normally.
Mattermost v.5.22.1