Hi there,
I’m using the currently actual version 10.6.0 and i have difficulties creating a new incoming webhook for a bot account via mmctl
inside a docker container.
The console output is as follows:
root@e26337707283:/mattermost> mmctl webhook create-incoming --channel 5htdj7788fr9jgf5y1y1cgie9e --user 5muam46r6prazkx6uc1d46f9fh --display-name Test
Error: CreateIncomingWebhook: api.unmarshal_error, json: cannot unmarshal array into Go value of type model.IncomingWebhook
The creation of webhooks for normal users via the web-interface works flawless, but via mmctl
it even fails if i try to use a normal user as parameter.
Are there some input parameters missing in my command or is it currently not possible to create webhooks this way?