Hello !
Does a docker file exists to compile Mattermost ? I need to change 2 lines of the codes and I can’t install all the go environment (the tutoriel is’nt working for me even if I do it line per line).
Hi @BuenosAir,
No Dockerfile yet to compile Mattermost, anyone in the community interested in sharing one they’ve built, or building one to share?
Alternatively, could you share what error you’re getting after the developer setup tutorial?
I resolved my problem
I fist had
raph@raph-Lenovo-Yoga-2-13:~/go/src/github.com/mattermost/platform$ make
Starting docker containers
/bin/sh: 1: gofmt: not found
Building mattermost server
rm -Rf dist
/home/raph/work/bin/godep go clean -i ./…
make: /home/raph/work/bin/godep: Command not found
make: *** [build-server] Error 127
So I installed godep with
/home/raph/go/bin/go get github.com/tools/godep
which is equivalent to
$HOME/go/bin/go get github.com/tools/godep
and now mattermost compil
Thank you !
I tried to build a docker to bulid mattermost but it seems not easy to have docker in docker which is required to build it.