When a user is IDLE and receives a private message or gets highlighted (with @username) she/he gets an e-mail notification that contains the content of the message.
Is it possible to disable the sending of the content of the message and just send a notification saying
Hey, people are talking to you! You should join the chat to read your messages.
I agree 100% on this, and it should be a global setting option.
I’m thinking about disabling email entirely, as people could be messaging sensitive information in MM that they would never want to be in some random email system that we have no control over.
end users don’t think about it, even though they should. If I just “DM you on mattermost” it will just stay there, and therefore is secure enough. the email containing the detail of a message is a problematic leak IMO.
I hope we aren’t the only two people who see how this is a huge security hole. It is honestly the only thing keeping me from rolling this out company wide.
@toogy, @githubkoma, @jimb, @Darya I encourage you to contribute the suggestion to our feature idea forum (I didn’t find an existing request), so it can be discussed, upvoted and considered for a ticket accepting pull requests?
Please include a link back to this forum thread so others know where to vote for feature. If you’re interested in implementing, please say so and we’ll prioritize the review.
You get 10 votes in the feature idea forum, and each one influences the future of the project.
I hope you all will upvote for it. As I’ve said, this is a problematic potential leak for our organization. One of the reasons MM is a good solution for us is that we would control its data. Sending these types of notices out via email potentially circumnavigates that control.