September 5, 2024, 8:38am
For feature requests, please see: https://mattermost.com/suggestions/ .
For troubleshooting questions, please post in the following format:
Issue in one concise sentence
File storage access is faulty
Steps to reproduce
How can we reproduce the issue (what version are you using?)
Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
Expected behavior
Describe your issue in detail
Please see screenshot below
Observed behavior
What did you see happen? Please include relevant error messages and/or screenshots.
September 5, 2024, 8:53am
By the way, how do I configure mattermost to store data in another drive that is on the server?
September 6, 2024, 2:49am
Deployed using the omnibus solution. It seems that /var/opt/mattermost/data cannot be accessed due to access right. I’ve changed the Local Storage Directory to ./data and it worked. However, I ultimately want to have the data stored on a RAID storage on the server, which is not the drive which the system and mattermost is installed. Can anyone provide instruction on how to do that?
Thank you
Usually, /opt/mattermost/data is where binary objects get stored. You can make that a mountpoint to a NAS or filer or NFS mount or ???
Also: File storage system - Mattermost documentation might help
March 6, 2025, 12:11pm
I bumped into this same issue with a fresh install using the omnibus installer / 24.04.2 LTS
I also observed /var/opt/mattermost being owned by root:root.
In case anyone else finds this post, changing ownership to mattermost:mattermost resolved the issue for me.
chown -R mattermost:mattermost /var/opt/mattermost