FileList plugin error

I’m newbie Mattermost
I need to use file list to list file on a team, i download file list at :, version 0.8.1
And upload plugin OK in system console. Plugin enable OK

but when use it, it notice:,

I checked log but not anything log error about Filelist
Please help me for this problem!
I’m running Mattermost preview docker, verrsion 5.22

Would you be open to submitting an issue in the File List plugin repo

Hi Amy.blais,
Thank for your suggestions.
Let me try to seach some issue about that on your link.
Thank so much!

Hello, @sunq

May I know if you have any luck on troubleshooting this issue? I came across File list plugin & s3 which shows the same error that you are getting on the UI but since the reporter mentioned that there were no error in the server logs, I was wondering if you had the DEBUG log level enabled on your server and have any log entries that can shed more light on this issue.

When you mentioned that you got into the error when you used it, what specific action were you performing? After clicking the button on the top right panel or other action?

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Hi Ahmaddanial,
I configured OK, It was my fault.
After I added “Site URL” to my Host, it run OK.
Thanks so much!