How do I change the installation path of the Mattermost client?

@john.oliver I couldn’t find where to download the .exe; only the .msi is available on your website.

Do you have any ideas?

I’m asking about the .exe Release v5.9.0 (2024-08-15) · mattermost/desktop · GitHub has a mattermost-desktop-setup.exe I have no idea what that is.

In your logs, I see:

MSI (s) (3C:50) [09:51:41:115]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Error
MSI (s) (3C:50) [09:51:41:115]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Error 4: SELECT `Message` FROM `Error` WHERE `Error` = 1721
Info 1721.There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action: removeExeInstaller, location: C:\tmp, command: C:\tmp\Uninstall Mattermost.exe /S

I’m not hearing any other reports like this. Maybe try downloading it again? I’d also suggest looking through all of that output for any errors, warnings, etc. There may be more info socked away in there that could help.

You can also try the Developers channel Mattermost

Thank you for the recommendations.
I tried the installation using the .exe file:
Start-Process -FilePath C:\temp\mattermost-desktop-setup-5.9.0-win.exe -ArgumentList "/DIR="$env:ProgramFiles\Mattermost""
But the Mattermost client is still installed in the user profile:
I think there are some issues with the new version of the client

I’ll ask for some more input.

@AndreyRuban I was asked to confirm you’d run the command as an administrative user.

Yes, the command was run as an administrative user.

Perhaps you could modify the Mattermost client installer, so that during the installation process, you can choose between installing it for all users or just for the current user?

Are there any updates?

The team is discussing. It looks like we’ve identified a gap in our testing process. I’m not sure when we’ll have a fix to deliver, but this does have attention.

I’m waiting for your response. Thank you

@john.oliver are there any updates?

@AndreyRuban I just got:

Circling back on this, I ran msiexec /i mattermost-desktop-5.9.0-win-x64.msi ALLUSERS=1 APPLICATIONFOLDER='C:\test\mattermost' and everything ran as expected, I now have a per-machine installation at the specified folder. 

I do see a slight different in characters in the command provided by the user (‘ instead of '). That could be the issue? Otherwise, do we know if the customer is using a distribution environment like SCCM?

Hello John Oliver
I can install the Mattermost client in C:\test\mattermost if I use the command:
msiexec /i mattermost-desktop-5.9.0-win-x64.msi ALLUSERS=1 APPLICATIONFOLDER=‘C:\test\mattermost’

But I cannot install it in C:\Program Files\Mattermost if I use the command:
msiexec /i mattermost-desktop-5.9.0-win-x64.msi ALLUSERS=1 APPLICATIONFOLDER=‘C:\Program Files\Mattermost’

@AndreyRuban I bet that’s an issue with quoting or escaping the space. In a Linux shell, a backslash like "C:\\Program\ Files\\Mattermost" (I’d have to escape the backslashes that are part of the path too) would work. It’s been a very long time since I did anything like this! Google suggested maybe: 'C:\"Program Files"\Mattermost'

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