Is it possible to integrate mattermost within an existing web app? I want to have in some places of my app a specific room of mattermost where the relevant people can communicate. Is is possible?
Are there api/sdk to create users, rooms , groups etc.?
I have setup a local mattermost server. Next thing is I would like to integrate mattermost with our web application. Such that users of the application can view other users and access a buddylist. Also users should be able to chat.
As i was researching i came accross XChat irc client. So I was trying to access my mattermost server in the irc client and after I would like to plug the XChat into my own software application. This has not been very successful especially with installing and running matterbridge plus.
I am very new to mattermost so kindly help me get my head around how to do this easily.
Below is what i have already tried
First, I installed the matterircd on I was able to access this server correctly from XChat. Only problem is i could not find room to link or relay chat between my existing mattermost server on port 8065 and my matterbridge which i was accessing in XChat irc client.
Second I installed and configured matterbridge plus but I am getting and error when i run it. Below is my conf file as well as the error i get when i run matterbridge plus.
This is my conf file :
RemoteNickFormat=”<{NICK}> "
IgnoreNicks=“ircspammer1 ircspammer2”
server=“http://localhost:8065/” #certificate check by default
SkipTLSVerify=true #https by default
team=“enterp” #login/pass of your bot
RemoteNickFormat=”[irc] <{NICK}>"
IgnoreNicks=“mmbot spammer2”
vaaa1tt@vaaa1tt:~/work/bin$ ./matterbridge-plus
running version 0.4
INFO[2016-06-29T13:00:10Z] Trying login ewurama555 (team: enterprisenurs) on http://localhost:8063/ module=mattermost
FATA[2016-06-29T13:00:11Z] Can not connectmodel.client.connecting.app_error module=mattermost