/jira create pop up window missing fields

I am new to using Mattermost and I couldn’t find any info on this yet in the documentation.
When using /jira create slash command to create a Jira issues, a pop up window appears. Upon checking multiple issue types with different screens, most of the custom fields show as per Jira screen set, except from some. In Jira, the Team field that is used in Advanced Roadmaps, is set as a required field at Create. Team is displayed in Jira on all screens, however it does not show in Mattermost’s create screen.
Is this expected? Is there documentation on the fields that Mattermost can display? The other example I found was for time tracking, but that is optional field. The Team field not showing breaks out ability to create issues from MM. Is there a fix please, without changing the field requirement in Jira?
Thank you!