Make Categories the same for all Members

The onboardingscript is nothing you can find online, it’s more a hint that you would need something like that.
I wrote a script for someone on the community server some time ago, which should give you an idea on how to proceed. If not, let me know how we can fine-tune it to your needs:


# space separated list of channels to add for each user
CHANNELS="writing_work lab_work cyber_342w_homework_help general_ist_homework_help off_topic"
# team to add the users to
# the maildomain added to the username
# mmctl command
MMCTL="mmctl --local"
# password to be used for all accounts. Leave empty and set PWLEN > 0 if you want passwords to be auto-generated
# set to empty string if you want to actually run the commands, set to "echo" if you just want to see what woule be done

# first parameter of the script will be the file to read the input data from
# if no parameter is given or if the file cannot be found, fail
if [ -z "$1" ] || ! [ -f "$1" ]; then
  echo "input file $1 not found."
  exit 1

while read line; do
  # split the input line by space into parts
  IFS=" " read -r -a PARTS <<< "$line"
  # generate random password if requested
  [ "$PWLEN" -gt "0" ] && PASSWORD=$(makepasswd --chars=$PWLEN)
  # create the user account
  $DEBUG $MMCTL user create --email "${PARTS[0]}@$MAILDOMAIN" --email-verified --firstname ${PARTS[1]} --lastname ${PARTS[2]} --locale en --password $PASSWORD --username ${PARTS[0]}
  # add it to all mentioned channels
  for channel in $CHANNELS; do
    $DEBUG $MMCTL channel users add $TEAM:$channel ${PARTS[0]}
  # output user + password for copy/pasting it to the users
  echo "${PARTS[0]} / $PASSWORD"
done < "$1"

This script reads in a CSV of users to create and sets them up automatically and also adds them to a list of predefined channels.
The categories can be done using channel actions, as I said - so in your existing channels, you can click on the channel and choose “Channel actions” which will give you the following modal:

Here you can specify the category to add this channel to and when the category does not exist, it will be created on the fly for the user that joined the channel.