Mattermost 5.2.2 no window opening on MacOS when starting

Thanks for sharing the logs - the only relevant thing my eyes can spot here is:

[2023-01-06 10:39:02.521] [error] MAS: An error occurred importing the existing configuration Error: Attempted to register a second handler for 'request-has-downloads'
    at IpcMainImpl.handle (node:electron/js2c/browser_init:193:325)
    at DownloadsManager.init (/Applications/
    at new DownloadsManager (/Applications/
    at IpcMainImpl.<anonymous> (/Applications/
    at IpcMainImpl.emit (node:events:539:35)
    at updatePaths (/Applications/
    at migrateMacAppStore (/Applications/
    at initialize (/Applications/

Not sure if this is really related to what you’re seeing - let me consult some of the developers.