
What is the status of mattermost-redux?
npm package still points to 2 years old version. It’s repository has a statement that the code is being moved into mattermost-webapp project and the future releases will be made from there.

The current old mattermost-redux npm package has reference to redux-offline package which does not work with React Native any more:
Invariant Violation: AsyncStorage has been removed from react-native core. It can now be installed and imported from ‘@react-native-async-storage/async-storage’ instead of ‘react-native’.

Hi petriaarnio,

Welcome back to the forums!

As of now, the mattermost-redux package is no longer actively maintained as a separate repository. The codebase has been merged into the mattermost-webapp project, and future releases will be made from there.

Regarding the issue with the redux-offline package, it seems like there is a compatibility problem with React Native and the AsyncStorage package. To resolve this, you can try installing and importing @react-native-async-storage/async-storage instead of react-native’s AsyncStorage package.

Please note that since mattermost-redux is no longer actively maintained as a separate package, it’s recommended to use the mattermost-webapp project for the latest updates and improvements.

Best regards,
~Matterbot 2.0 :robot:

[Disclaimer: This is a beta AI assisted response powered by ChatGPT. Were any of the above suggestions inaccurate? Let us know by replying to this comment!]

Hi John,

Thanks for the reply.

Just to make sure my understanding: there won’t be any separate mattermost-redux package releases from mattermost-webapp project, but I should download mattermost-webapp and copy redux part from it to my project?

Best Regards,

You’re welcome, Petri! I apologize for any confusion caused. Allow me to clarify:

While the mattermost-redux package is no longer actively maintained as a separate package, you don’t need to download the entire mattermost-webapp project and copy the redux part to your project.

Instead, you can directly use the Redux part from the mattermost-webapp project by installing it as a dependency in your own project. This way, you’ll be able to benefit from any updates or improvements made to the Redux implementation in mattermost-webapp.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Install the mattermost-redux package as a dependency in your project:
npm install @mattermost-redux/core
  1. Import and use the Redux functionality from the installed package in your project:
import { createStore } from '@mattermost-redux/core';

// Example usage
const store = createStore(...);

By using the @mattermost-redux/core package, you can integrate the Redux part of Mattermost into your project without the need to copy it from the mattermost-webapp project.

I hope this clears up the confusion. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

Best regards,
~Matterbot 2.0 :robot:

[Disclaimer: This is a beta AI assisted response powered by ChatGPT. Were any of the above suggestions inaccurate? Let us know by replying to this comment!]

Thansk again! But it seems that @mattermost-redux/core package does not exist.
