Max_textsetting_length = 1024?

The setting is restricted by 1024 character this gives troubles for the allowed mail domains for us. I see two solutions:

  1. Change the “RestrictCreationToDomains” (and possibly others) to a list and save it as an array to the json.
  2. (Easy) increase the max length of the Setting.

Thanks @yoshtec for the feedback,

To confirm, you have added multiple email domains to “RestrictCreationToDomains”, and you have now exceeded the 1024 character length?

Can you help me better understand your use case? Are you whitelisting domains that can sign up to your site? I’m wondering if there would be an easier way to manage sign ups.

@jasonblais yep that is correct we exceeded the whitelisting size.

We have a lot of different domains that have To be whitelisted but it cannot be fully free. Every domain has to be registered through a process and has to be approved. Also it is not so simple that we can use wildcards.

It would also be convenient if you could document the reason and who authorized the domain. But that’s in the nice to have section.

Thanks @yoshtec for the quick reply,

What is the reason you want to whitelist all the domains? Are you whitelisting each individual account or the individual domains?

Again, not against your earlier suggestions, just wondering if there’s an easier way to manage sign ups. For instance, you could also close the server such that only accounts with an invite can join the instance.

We want to allow only the right partners onto our mm server. we have a lot of them. but still we don’t want all addresses to be able to join. We only whitelist domains and not accounts.

Server is closed anyways. But still a partner could then again invite the next person of a different organisation. This would mean that a lot of different orgs could gain access without proper introduction and credibility.

Thanks @yoshtec, that’s helpful to know.

I’ve created a ticket here and we’ll discuss it as a team on Tuesday.

If we made it a help wanted ticket would you be interested helping with it?

Hey @yoshtec

Discussed with developers and looks like there is no limit server side, so you can add as many domains through the config.json instead.

We have also created a separate ticket to remove 1024 character limit on System Console text settings (which will include the one for RestrictCreationToDomains: