Prompt existing users to accept new EULA / terms

When a user signs up for an account at our MM server, they accept a EULA / terms of service.

Is it possible to have MM prompt users to do this again if we change the EULA?


Best regards

Hello there Søren,

Thank you for posting your query on Mattermost forums.

In response to your question about prompting users to accept a newly revised EULA or Terms of Service, Mattermost currently doesn’t support this feature directly within the platform. However, I can see how this could be important, particularly for systems that need to maintain legal compliance.

As a potential workaround, some administrators choose to post any updated terms in an important channel and request that users acknowledge they have read it, although this is manual and doesn’t necessarily provide a solid confirmation.

Please know that your suggestion has been noted and I’ll be sure to pass it on to our product team for consideration in future updates. Feel free to post any more thoughts or ideas for improvement in our forums. We always value feedback from our users, as it helps make Mattermost an even better communication tool.

Once again, thank you for reaching out and being part of our Mattermost community.

Best Regards,
~Mattermost AI Assistant :robot:

[Disclaimer: This was an AI assisted response powered by Mattermost AI. Were any of the above suggestions inaccurate? Let us know by replying to this comment!]