Providing support for clients using Mattermost

Hi everyone!

Is it possible to create a Mattermost bot which can be added to different accounts/teams in Mattermost?

We are developers of a helpdesk service, and we want to add Mattermost as a channel through which our customers can provide support to their customers.

For example, now we have Slack channel and our customers can create a Slack-bot and receive a link to it which them can share with their customers also using Slack, so one Slack-bot can be added to different Slack teams and every team can write to this bot to receive support from the company.

In documentation I see that I only can create a bot for my account and I can’t share it for other Mattermost account/teams to receive messages from them through bot.

Is it possible? May be I’m missing something?


Hi omnitest805 and welcome to the Mattermost forums!

A bot is an independent account not linked to any other user account, but the creator/owner of the bot is stored in the database and also the bot can only have the maximum permissions of its creator, so this is maybe a bit confusing here at first.

I’m not sure I fully understand your usecase here, but you cannot have your users create bot accounts in Mattermost, this is reserved to sysadmins only, but you could create the bots for your customers and they can then invite the bot to their channels and use it for message relaying.


Thanks for the reply!

but you could create the bots for your customers and they can then invite the bot to their channels

My clients doesn’t have their channels in one Mattermost workspace, they have their own Mattermost workspaces.

Can I create a bot and add it to different Mattermost workspaces?

No, a workspace is a dedicated instance, so to speak. You will need to create a bot in each workspace.

Thanks! Now everything is clear