I am trying to send alerts from PRTG to mattermost,so far it is not successful.
may I know if any one have experience implementing it.
In PRTG I have created a notification using “Send slack message” also tried to use “Execute HTTP Action”
I am trying to send alerts from PRTG to mattermost,so far it is not successful.
may I know if any one have experience implementing it.
In PRTG I have created a notification using “Send slack message” also tried to use “Execute HTTP Action”
I am having problems as well. In PRTG I create a Slack webhook, but on the Mattermost side I see this in the log:
{"level":"error","ts":1591268258.5566254,"caller":"mlog/log.go:175","msg":"Could not decode the multipart payload of incoming webhook.","path":"/hooks/wwctmjx4dibhzgtgwhtcjp7c1y","request_id":"kyuuicujkidyme1utq89p8q3oe","ip_addr":"","user_id":"","method":"POST","err_where":"incomingWebhook","http_code":400,"err_details":"mime: no media type"}
It seems that PRTG’s webhooks are a bit wonky and don’t include a MIME type?
I enabled webhook logging and set the DEBUG log level in Mattermost, but unfortunately it never shows the payload. I only see the message above in the log.
We fixed a bug related to this in v5.23.1.
It seems there is also a workaround for this, discovered by one of our developers. Use “Execute HTTP Action” in PRTG’s notification templates. The PRTG documentation states that “JSON is not allowed”, but this information is wrong. The following payload works:
payload={"attachments":[{"fallback":"%status - %device | %shortname","text":"#### %device\n##### %shortname\n\n### _Status:_ **%status**\n\n| | |\n| :-- | :--|\n| Service | %serviceurl |\n| Sensor | %linksensor |\n| Last Scan | %lastcheck | \n| Last Value | %lastvalue | \n| Last Up | %lastup | \n| Coverage | %coverage | \n| Downtime | %downtime | \n| Probe | %probe | \n| Group | %group | \n\n##### _Message:_\n\n```\n%message\n```\n","color":"%colorofstate"}]}
Anyone managed to make a plugin for PRTG to Mattermost?