SMTP configuration with SES

Hi All,

I have installed mattermost and I want to configure my email notification with SES.

this is my config.json for email:

 "EmailSettings": {
        "EnableSignUpWithEmail": true,
        "EnableSignInWithEmail": true,
        "EnableSignInWithUsername": true,
        "SendEmailNotifications": true,
        "UseChannelInEmailNotifications": false,
        "RequireEmailVerification": false,
        "FeedbackName": "mattermost",
        "FeedbackEmail": "",
        "ReplyToAddress": "",
        "FeedbackOrganization": "My Company",
        "EnableSMTPAuth": true,
        "SMTPUsername": "XXXXX",
        "SMTPPassword": "YYYYYYYYY",
        "SMTPServer": "",
        "SMTPPort": "587",
        "ConnectionSecurity": "STARTTLS",
        "SendPushNotifications": true,
        "PushNotificationServer": "",
        "PushNotificationContents": "generic",
        "EnableEmailBatching": false,
        "EmailBatchingBufferSize": 256,
        "EmailBatchingInterval": 30,
        "EnablePreviewModeBanner": false,
        "SkipServerCertificateVerification": true,
        "EmailNotificationContentsType": "full",
        "LoginButtonColor": "#0000",
        "LoginButtonBorderColor": "#2389D7",
        "LoginButtonTextColor": "#2389D7"

when I try to test it shown like this:

Connection unsuccessful: Connection unsuccessful: SendMail: Failed to close connection to SMTP server, 554 Transaction failed: Missing local name - undefined

Version: 5.12.0
Build Number: 5.12.3

I would start here
FYI 554 is a error usually presented from the server side you try to communicate, that error now is to be solved between your IP/Server provider and SES.

5.5.4 Transaction failed.
Nowadays SMTP status 554 is in most cases returned when the recipient server believes your email is spam or your IP address or ISP server has been blacklisted on one or more Internet blacklists. With Yahoo, on the other hand, this usually means the email address does not exist or has been disabled.

( OR )
With IBM’s Lotus Domino this is either a Domino bug or a Disk Full error

HI @UHLHosting,

thanks for your reply, I have been try to send a message with my SES credential with this tutorial: and it works! but when I put in my mattermost config, still got above error.

Are you using same ip for test and mattermost? If this is not the case make sure your email settings works with other mail provider first.

Try to check if your ip is not blacklisted like the error mentioned.

The error does not have to do with login issues you did logged in, it gives you a reply.

One that you wont receive via bash or cli in most cases.

This does not seem to be at first a mattermost issue. Would had been addressed by now. Or maybe you hit a bug that small chance from reading your error.

Also would look into this line:

    "FeedbackEmail": "

Make sure it reflects the right email address you are trying to use with SES.

Check domain to point to DNS/SES correctly.

Are you using same ip for test and mattermost? If this is not the case make sure your email settings works with other mail provider first.

yes, and I was trying with mandrill and there is no problem.

btw I’m using aws instance for the mattermost server,

yes, this is just an example code for me to show this forum.

my concern is why mattermost (in my case) cannot work with SES (but when I did testing with simple sending email command my SES credentials can sending an email )

This is on mattermost side you got the errors, nothing logged on SES logs on same time?