Getting the following error using “test connection”: ‘554 Message rejected: Email address is not verified. The following identities failed the check in region EU-WEST-1: XXX@ - undefined’
Steps to reproduce
Using Mattermost 5.14.0 I have created the SMTP configuration.
My configuration looks like this:
“EmailSettings”: {
“EnableSignUpWithEmail”: true,
“EnableSignInWithEmail”: true,
“EnableSignInWithUsername”: true,
“SendEmailNotifications”: true,
“UseChannelInEmailNotifications”: false,
“RequireEmailVerification”: false,
“FeedbackName”: “Mattermost”,
“FeedbackEmail”: "",
“ReplyToAddress”: “XXX”,
“FeedbackOrganization”: “”,
“EnableSMTPAuth”: true,
“SMTPUsername”: “XXX”,
“SMTPPassword”: “XXX”,
“SMTPServer”: “XXX”,
“SMTPPort”: “465”,
“ConnectionSecurity”: “TLS”,
“SendPushNotifications”: true,
“PushNotificationServer”: “XXX”,
“PushNotificationContents”: “generic”,
“EnableEmailBatching”: true,
“EmailBatchingBufferSize”: 256,
“EmailBatchingInterval”: 30,
“EnablePreviewModeBanner”: false,
“SkipServerCertificateVerification”: false,
“EmailNotificationContentsType”: “full”,
“LoginButtonColor”: “#0000”,
“LoginButtonBorderColor”: “#2389D7”,
“LoginButtonTextColor”: “#2389D7”
Expected behavior
Mattermost should always use the FeedbackEmail as sender for e-mails, since this is the one that can be verified with the mail provider.
Observed behavior
Strangely enough even though I set the FeedbackEmail address that should be used to send mails, apparently Mattermost tries to send mails using the mail address of the user I am logged in as as recipient, which obviously doesn’t work.