[SOLVED] Creating new account leeds to "page not found"

Hi, we created a fresh empty MM server and are having problems now:

at the very first login we get the signup_email page


after adding the account details we get the email verification screen


and a mail containing:

containing Link: http://wambachers-osm.website:8065/mattermost/do_verify_email?uid=84tr15p973nmzc9y6gmq6yt4ye&hid=$2a$10$xvqg6pRi2PWVl6YNe/04guAEhP/wbDTzvj.qcW1oCYSfbOuF02ZtK&email=wnordmann%40gmx.de for verification.

until now everything is looking fine to me.

But clicking the Email verification link we get

…snip… “Page not found”

we tried a lot of configurations but nothing changes.

Any hints? If you like, you may use that link to see the result.


btw: had to remove 3 images in my very first post. Spam protection?

Hey @wambacher, and thanks for joining the Mattermost forums!

I tried investigating your issue and does sound rather odd - it looks like everything is fine on your login page and in general everything works fine as you said, but for some reason the email verification link fails.

  1. Do you have a system admin account with access to the server? Wondering if there’s any messages in the server logs (Serverprotokoll), which you can access from System Konsole > Protokoll.

  2. Also, wondering if you could check if there are any console errors? You can visit this page to see how to open the console on various browsers.

Please let me know if you have any trouble getting information in 1) and 2)? I’m hoping we can get this resolved for you as soon as possible.

“1) Do you have a system admin account with access to the server? Wondering if there’s any messages in the server logs (Serverprotokoll), which you can access from System Konsole > Protokoll.”

  1. Also, wondering if you could check if there are any console errors? You can visit this page to see how to open the console on various browsers.

Please let me know if you have any trouble getting information in 1) and 2)? I’m hoping we can get this resolved for you as soon as possible.

Sorry, my first reply went wrong :frowning2:

1): Yes, i’m admin, because it’s my server.
here the log (./logs/mattermost.log)

[2016/12/11 07:08:45 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/initial_load
[2016/12/11 07:08:46 CET] [DEBG] /login
[2016/12/11 07:08:48 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/initial_load
[2016/12/11 07:09:06 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/login
[2016/12/11 07:09:06 CET] [EROR] /api/v3/users/login:SqlUserStore.GetForLogin code=400 rid=tktjsqj4rtf8bcsnu65rm83qxa uid= ip= Es konnte kein existierender Account entsprechend Ihrer Zugangsdaten gefunden werden. Dieses Team erfordert event
uell eine Einladung vom Teambesitzer um beizutreten. [Details: ]
[2016/12/11 07:31:40 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/attach_device
[2016/12/11 07:31:40 CET] [DEBG] /weeklyosm/channels/town-square
[2016/12/11 07:31:41 CET] [EROR] /api/v3/users/attach_device: code=401 rid=5aq91ae137ypbpawje69irg83e uid= ip= Ung
ültige oder abgelaufene Sitzung, melden Sie sich erneut an. [Details: UserRequired]
[2016/12/11 07:31:43 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/initial_load
[2016/12/11 07:47:36 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/attach_device
[2016/12/11 07:47:36 CET] [DEBG] /weeklyosm/channels/town-square
[2016/12/11 07:47:36 CET] [EROR] /api/v3/users/attach_device: code=401 rid=uhwoh1of5jntmq8b4y4abzkhyw uid= ip= Ung
ültige oder abgelaufene Sitzung, melden Sie sich erneut an. [Details: UserRequired]
[2016/12/11 07:47:39 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/initial_load
[2016/12/11 07:47:50 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/oauth/gitlab/login
[2016/12/11 07:47:50 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/oauth/gitlab/: code=404 ip=
[2016/12/11 07:47:51 CET] [DEBG] /favicon.ico
[2016/12/11 07:48:10 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/login
[2016/12/11 07:48:11 CET] [EROR] /api/v3/users/login:SqlUserStore.GetForLogin code=400 rid=bmfzozcqk3rwtjy7cwpmpn97ic uid= ip= Es konnte kein existierender Account entsprechend Ihrer Zugangsdaten gefunden werden. Dieses Team erfordert event
uell eine Einladung vom Teambesitzer um beizutreten. [Details: ]
[2016/12/11 16:51:45 CET] [DEBG] Suche nach Sicherheitsupdates bei Mattermost
[2016/12/11 18:02:27 CET] [DEBG] /
[2016/12/12 18:30:23 CET] [DEBG] /
[2016/12/12 20:51:46 CET] [DEBG] Suche nach Sicherheitsupdates bei Mattermost
[2016/12/13 06:24:57 CET] [DEBG] /mattermost/do_verify_email
[2016/12/13 06:25:01 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/initial_load
[2016/12/13 06:26:30 CET] [DEBG] /mattermost
[2016/12/13 06:26:31 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/initial_load
[2016/12/13 06:29:33 CET] [DEBG] /mattermost/do_verify_email
[2016/12/13 06:29:33 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/initial_load
[2016/12/13 06:29:49 CET] [DEBG] /mattermost/do_verify_email
[2016/12/13 06:29:50 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/initial_load
[2016/12/13 06:29:58 CET] [DEBG] /mattermost/do_verify_email
[2016/12/13 06:29:59 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/initial_load
[2016/12/13 06:30:40 CET] [DEBG] /mattermost/do_verify_email
[2016/12/13 06:30:40 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/initial_load
[2016/12/13 06:32:15 CET] [DEBG] /signup_user_complete/
[2016/12/13 06:32:15 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/initial_load
[2016/12/13 06:32:16 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/teams/get_invite_info
[2016/12/13 06:32:19 CET] [EROR] /api/v3/teams/get_invite_info:SqlTeamStore.GetByInviteId code=500 rid=za7yk9puq7nuddi8pcatkjz
5tr uid= ip= Wir konnten das Team nicht finden [Details: inviteId=1rpp44f3sbyimrq5gdemtwca6c]
[2016/12/13 06:33:43 CET] [DEBG] /
[2016/12/13 06:33:44 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/initial_load
[2016/12/13 11:41:23 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/attach_device
[2016/12/13 11:41:23 CET] [DEBG] /weeklyosm/channels/town-square
[2016/12/13 11:41:23 CET] [EROR] /api/v3/users/attach_device: code=401 rid=riu5eskiotdbmxx16yks6sn8ho uid= ip= Ung
ültige oder abgelaufene Sitzung, melden Sie sich erneut an. [Details: UserRequired]
[2016/12/13 11:41:25 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/initial_load
[2016/12/13 11:42:24 CET] [DEBG] /api/v3/users/login
[2016/12/13 11:42:25 CET] [EROR] /api/v3/users/login:SqlUserStore.GetForLogin code=400 rid=tj7ri5xyzt83pjsqhj576d6eew uid= ip= Es konnte kein existierender Account entsprechend Ihrer Zugangsdaten gefunden werden. Dieses Team erfordert eventuell eine Einladung vom Teambesitzer um beizutreten. [Details: ]

I did not call MM today. so all entries from 2016/12/13 may be from you.

  1. i can’t see any console errors using opera.

BTW: teams do not exist yet,i can not create teams unless beeing loggged in - which does not work :frowning:

Hmm, can you help provide the vales you have set for the following config.json settings?

In TeamSettings > EnableTeamCreation, EnableUserCreation
In EmailSettings > EnableSignUpWithEmail, EnableSignInWithEmail, EnableSignInWithUsername

I think there’s some configuration issue that might be causing it

Hi Jason,

here a part of config.json:

 "ServiceSettings": {
     "SiteURL": "http://wambachers-osm.website:8065/mattermost",
     "ListenAddress": ":8065",
     "ConnectionSecurity": "",
     "TLSCertFile": "",
     "TLSKeyFile": "",
     "UseLetsEncrypt": false,
     "LetsEncryptCertificateCacheFile": "./config/letsencrypt.cache",
     "Forward80To443": false,
     "ReadTimeout": 300,
     "WriteTimeout": 300,
     "MaximumLoginAttempts": 10,
     "SegmentDeveloperKey": "",
     "GoogleDeveloperKey": "",
     "EnableOAuthServiceProvider": false,
     "EnableIncomingWebhooks": true,
     "EnableOutgoingWebhooks": true,
     "EnableCommands": true,
     "EnableOnlyAdminIntegrations": true,
     "EnablePostUsernameOverride": false,
     "EnablePostIconOverride": false,
     "EnableTesting": false,
     "EnableDeveloper": false,
     "EnableSecurityFixAlert": true,
     "EnableInsecureOutgoingConnections": false,
     "EnableMultifactorAuthentication": false,
     "AllowCorsFrom": "",
     "SessionLengthWebInDays": 30,
     "SessionCacheInMinutes": 10,
     "WebsocketSecurePort": 443,
     "WebsocketPort": 80,
     "WebserverMode": "gzip",
     "EnableCustomEmoji": false,
     "RestrictCustomEmojiCreation": "all"

 "TeamSettings": {
     "SiteName": "Mattermost",
     "MaxUsersPerTeam": 50,
     "EnableTeamCreation": true,
     "EnableUserCreation": true,
     "EnableOpenServer": true,
     "RestrictCreationToDomains": "",
     "EnableCustomBrand": false,
     "CustomBrandText": "",
     "CustomDescriptionText": "",
     "RestrictDirectMessage": "any",
     "RestrictTeamInvite": "all",
     "RestrictPublicChannelManagement": "all",
     "RestrictPrivateChannelManagement": "all",
     "UserStatusAwayTimeout": 300,
     "MaxChannelsPerTeam": 2000

“EmailSettings”: {
“EnableSignUpWithEmail”: true,
“EnableSignInWithEmail”: true,
“EnableSignInWithUsername”: true,
“SendEmailNotifications”: true,
“RequireEmailVerification”: true,
“FeedbackName”: "weeklyOSM2@gmx.de",
“FeedbackEmail”: "weeklyOSM2@gmx.de",
“FeedbackOrganization”: “OpenStreetMap”,
“SMTPUsername”: "weeklyOSM2@gmx.de",
“SMTPPassword”: “–snip–”,
“SMTPServer”: “mail.gmx.net”,
“SMTPPort”: “587”,
“ConnectionSecurity”: “STARTTLS”,
“InviteSalt”: “4OsUIC4/5vNrlp3S+6R93hGQ2bu17F+a”,
“PasswordResetSalt”: “o1ojkt3ypwnsbz539ncq1txbs7m5q4z9”,
“SendPushNotifications”: true,
“PushNotificationServer”: “http://push-test.mattermost.com”,
“PushNotificationContents”: “generic”,
“EnableEmailBatching”: false,
“EmailBatchingBufferSize”: 256,
“EmailBatchingInterval”: 30


Perfect, thanks Walter!

I’ll set an environment with those settings and try figure out what’s going on here

I think I found the issue:

The SiteURL shouldn’t have a team name appended to it. I think if you change the SiteURL setting to be : http://wambachers-osm.website:8065, everything should work fine.

Let me know if that helps resolve it?

I’ve submitted a pull request to clarify this in our documentation: https://github.com/mattermost/docs/pull/740

You got it!!!

what a silly problem :frowning:

reason for this …/mattermost was using the apache webproxy, which is
totally unneccessary. Mattermost is using jetty, but i didn’t realize
that at first. After that i just forgot to remove /mattermost :frowning:

thanks very, very much

Glad it got sorted!

We’ll get this fixed in our docs as well