Can anyone advise how to get the Docker image of MM to work with Let’s Encrypt? I’ve already got the LE certificates loaded in /etc/letsencrypt/live/my-domain but I don’t know how to get these certificates to be read/seen by MM?
Put your SSL certificate as ./volumes/cert/cert.pem and the private key that has no password as ./volumes/cert/key-no-password.pem. If you don’t have them you may generate a self-signed SSL certificate.
MM starts fine if environment: - MATTERMOST_ENABLE_SSL=false in docker-compose.yml
Sorry, the document has some typos. The correct paths are ./volumes/web/cert/cert.pem and ./volumes/cert/key-no-password.pem. Could you please try again with this corrected paths?
Thank you for this… unfortunately when I copied the let’s encrypt generated certificates to the locations below, I couldn’t access MM
/home/myuser/mattermost-docker/volumes/cert/key-no-password.pem # this is just a renamed copy of privkey.pem
How do you renew your Let’s Encrypt certificate? I guess Mattermost doesn’t do this for you. And I’m wondering how certbot can renew the certificate if ports 80/443 are bound to Mattermost?
FYI for non-Docker people: On a non-Docker AWS instance, I just had to copy fullchain.pem and the key.pem into any specific location and set the config.json cert and key configs to point to them. (this is Using Let’s Encrypt)