I try to move a private channel from one team to another but mattermost CLI always tells me that the destination team isn’t found. Of course the target team was created before (also tried all lowercase and different team naming variants) but all I get is the message:
Unable to find destination team ‘DESTINATIONTEAM’
I’m running mattermost from inside a gitlab installation (latest version 10.5.2 and mattermost 4.6.0) and of course read https://docs.mattermost.com/administration/command-line-tools.html#platform-channel-move.
The executed command was:
sudo -u mattermost /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/mattermost channel move DESTINATIONTEAM ja3epwksairptqufxqdq1fdqhh --config=/path/to/configfile
Any hints on how to accomplish moving channel?
thanks & kind regards