Tips for deploying Mattermost in a company?

I’m studying my (second) Bachelor of Engineering degree and part of the studies is a 10 ECTS, 4 month Innovation Project course. My intention is to pilot Mattermost platform in a 500+ employees industrial company. The goal is to promote and enhance team communication in different departments, but also between departments and subcontractors.

The current plan is to start small, with 5-10 people across the company, on a cloud VPS (with HTTPS configured). I haven’t talked this through with the IT department yet, and I don’t know how well such “small” project fits in with these big established systems such as Office365, Jira etc. The red tape might take a few weeks which is why I already started a VPS on the cloud, just to have a visible prototype to show.

What tips do you have for such pilot project? What are the possible risks?

What I’m concerned with:

  • How well does the Team edition scale up? Can the company easily move to Enterprise edition later and migrate important conversations if it so happens that people already want to start “actually” using it in pilot phase?
  • How does the team based thinking fit with hundreds of people? I probably need to explain this thoroughly when selling the idea…
  • How does Jira integration work in practice?

Hi @xav131,

Thank you for your questions,

  1. Here is some documentation on moving from Team edition to Enterprise edition:
  2. We use the Jira integration on our daily build server. You can read about this integration here

I hope this helps?