Hi froggypaule and welcome to the Mattermost forums!
Your container is restarting and this usually indicates problems with the configuration.
Can you share the output of docker logs dd3db8105cd1 (or whatever the container ID is for the mattermost container then)?
The directory is empty because the config.json file will be written at the start, based on the configuration options gathered from the .env file.
Please ty the following:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.without-nginx.yml down
chown -R 2000:2000 ./volumes/app/mattermost
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.without-nginx.yml up
Leave out the -d for the docker-compose command here so we can immediately see the logs in the console.
Please post any error messages here then so we can have a look.
Did it,
Actually, this is where is goes pearshape matterm-mattermost-1 | Error: failed to load configuration: could not create config file: open /mattermost/config/config.json: permission denied
OK, then let’s start over new, please.
Stop the containers and remove the volumes directory again and create a new hierarchy as outlined in step 3 in the documentation. Once done, start the containers again - there’s most likely an empty directory mapped somwhere which causes troubles now and since we’re at the beginning, let’s not waste time with that
There is one thing I forgot to say:
mattermost is installed in a passwd-less user home.
But surely this makes no difference (sudo is done via my sudo credentials)
So I am quite stuck: what stupid thing could have happened???
Well, the link you posted talks about several different docker deployment options and also contains examples for creating a SSL certificate and using nginx, but you said you do not want to use nginx at all, so the 4-step instructions from Deploy Your Self-Hosted Mattermost Server | Mattermost should be enough to get you going.
If you want to also use nginx and SSL, we will need to prepare for a few more things, but using the 4-steps with just the DOMAIN changed in the .env file, there’s nothing that can go wrong (did that a few hundred times already).
You do not need to use sudo for the commands, in fact, it will not help you at all because when you use sudo, the current working directory will change and the container will not find your .env file or the volumes folder, so please do not use sudo with the docker-compose commands.