Unread messages indicators is showing in the taskbar/serverbar but nothing is marked in the team bar

Hi !
I’m using mattermost 5.3.1 client on windows and I’m often facing some issues with unread messages indicators.
What happens is : the windows taskbar icon shows I have unread messages (red circle), the server taskbar at the top of the client will sometimes show unread messages too (when pinged I guess as it only shows when I have personnal/pinged unread messages).
The issue is that the team bar on the left of the client doesn’t show anything so I do not know which team is concerned by this/these unread message/messages.

It seems like sometimes I have even no unread message indicator at all (taskbar, serverbar, teambar, channelbar) as I found a message yesterday that I completely missed from some days ago and that I did not read.

As a side note, I tend to use deep sleep a lot on my computer, I don’t know if that can have an impact on the issue.

A collegue of mine, using the client on linux also has similar issues.

When refreshing the client (ctrl+r), notifications seem to be fixed

The issue you described sounds very similar to one of these tickets:

While waiting for the next release, you can also try the workaround mentioned here to see if it fixes the issue for you temporarily: Unread thread when none exists · Issue #22060 · mattermost/mattermost · GitHub.

that does not look like the mentionned tickets as I do get unread indicator on the taskbar and top “channel” bar but no indicator on any team. I have to go to each of my teams to find the one that has the mentionned unread message. There is no thread involved in my issue.
I took a picture of it happening today. On the left : you can see the top notification but no team notification
On the right, once I find the correct team, I get the channel notification, but still no team notification

What Mattermost server version are you on? What Windows version are you on?

server is on 7.9.2
mattermost client version is : 5.4.0 on windows 21h2 (19044.2965)

@hmhealey Would the epic that you created for unread issues ([MM-53247] - Mattermost) cover this issue?

Hi, we are now using client 5.7.0 and I still encounter issues with unread notifications regularly (today it showed in the task bar but on no team. I had to go through all my teams to find the one with an unread channel).
Note that this seems to happen after waking up from hibernate on Windows (at least that was the case this last time)

Bump, the issue is still happening, this morning I had 2 unreads that required me to go through almost all of my teams to find.