Upgrade from version 0.7


Trying to upgrade a 0.7 version seems that the version number is not updated in database
In file sql_store.go

(line 143)

if model.IsPreviousVersion(schemaVersion) {
    sqlStore.system.Update(&model.System{Name: "Version", Value: model.CurrentVersion})
    l4g.Warn("The database schema has been upgraded to version " + model.CurrentVersion)

should be

if model.IsPreviousVersion(schemaVersion) || isSchemaVersion07 {
sqlStore.system.Update(&model.System{Name: “Version”, Value: model.CurrentVersion})
l4g.Warn("The database schema has been upgraded to version " + model.CurrentVersion)

otherwise the system table is never updated with the last version

Thanks for the report. This is something we’ll need to fix in 1.2.

Ticket added for this, accepting pull requests for bug fix if anyone in community wants to try this,