I have recently set up a self hosted Ubuntu server (22.04.1) and followed the docker guide in the link here… Host Mattermost on Your Own Infrastructure. All working great.
If I run sudo docker images i get the following output…
certbot/certbot latest 613382f742bd 13 days ago 108MB
postgres 13-alpine 8e750948d39a 2 weeks ago 238MB
nginx alpine c433c51bbd66 2 weeks ago 40.7MB
mattermost/mattermost-enterprise-edition 7.1 d22c7954736a 4 weeks ago 616MB
However, in System Console > Workspace Optimisation I get a message about updating to 7.7.1. I’m struggling to see how this is done with a docker install? All the info I’ve found so far seems to refer to the binary install method.
I’m not fussed about being on the latest version, I just want to make sure I understand how to update in the future before deploying this system to my workplace.
inside the directory where you did install the mattermost do a docker-compose pull to pull the latest mattermost docker image.
Then do sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.without-nginx.yml down && sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.without-nginx.yml up -d
That should upgrade you to version 7.7.1
Hey @greatscott and welcome to the Mattermost forums!
yes, you have to change the MATTERMOST_IMAGE_TAG in the .env file and then restart everything docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d. The .env file in the repository always contains the latest ESR version which is 7.1 in this case, that’s why it’s not automatically updating to 7.7.1 when you pull it.
Great thanks - I’ll stick with the ESR versions for now. Do I need to do anything else for nginx and/or postgres updates, or is that all handled at the same time when modifying the MATTERMOST_IMAGE_TAG?
NGINX_IMAGE_TAG is set to alpine, so this will be updated regularly I guess, PostgreSQL is also mapped to 13-alpine which should get you minor updates automatically.
Since the folder contains multiple yml files, do we need to specify the two ymls we are using when running a docker pull? like this: sudo docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.without-nginx.yml pull