Virtually "merge" multiple Mattermost teams into one view

I am a member of multiple teams. Many people from our organizations are members of all the teams, but some of them only of some. I never remember in which team they are and navigating through the UI is very cumbersome.

Is it possible to “merge” the teams into one single view, where I would see only one submenu Favorites, only one submenu Channels and only one submenu Direct Messages?

I don’t mean to merge the teams, just to visually merge each of the previous categories in the UI. I absolutely don’t care about the teams, it’s mostly disturbing, because our team membership is based rather on the company branches and external companies, and I don’t know (and don’t care) in which part of the company structure each person is. And many people (but not all) are members of all the teams.


Please please implement this. might be what you want, but requires a paid subscription.

Unfortunately, there’s no built-in way to visually merge teams into one view in MatterMost. A good workaround is using the Favorites section to pin key channels and direct messages across teams for easier access. Hopefully, future updates will address this!

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