Webhooks for Service Now

Hi - New to mattermost and to this forum.

I’m currently running a test mattermost deployment as a potential replacement/enhancement to current implementations of email, lync (and also some slack).

What i’d really like to understand and what would be of real use to my testing and therefore wider company adoption of MM, is whether I can grab ServiceNow as an incoming webhook?

Happy for someone to say, yes you can and here’s some information to help research further rather than providing full step-by-step instructions (although if available, sure i’d take them :slight_smile: )


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Hi @brybinary, thanks for your question,

There are many open source examples of integrations using incoming webhooks you can review as references.

If you create an integration for ServiceNow, would love to have your help sharing back to the community.

Hi @it33

thats brilliant, much appreciated. I’ll be working on the snow integration and of course, will share back to the community.

So far, getting a really good buzz from the mattermost testing - looking forward to hooking into ldap soon also!


Did you make any progress with a ServiceNow hook?

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