Hello forum,
I’m a Mattermost newbie and have pushed for a switch to Mattermost in our small journalist office. Communication-wise, this office is really 20th century, with email being the primary (well, only) communications tool for external and internal affairs. The idea is to use Mattermost’s neat features and power to replace email conversations wherever possible.
My issue is that we have a lot of email communication with externals and internal discussion is often related to emails. Of course, there’s the old copy-paste if you want to start the conversation in Mattermost, but I’m wondering if there’s a more convinient solution?
So my question is: How do you use Mattermost with regards to email? Say you have incoming mail from an external source, maybe with an attachment, and of course you want to discuss those contents in Mattermost. Is there a neat way to switch integrate email content into Mattermost? I would be very interested in how any of you handle this situation.
I have looked for webhooks for imap/pop3 integrations, but couldn’t find any. I think it would be great to have a webhook that posts incoming mails of a email account (say mattermost@yourcompany.com) to a designated channel. So, if I have an email that people should see and discuss, I could just forward it to this address and it gets posted for everyone to see and comment.
The reason why I am asking is because I have quite a few colleagues who are not very tech-savvy, even critical to using anything that they already know, so I’m not dealing with the techie dev gadget-lover who doesn’t mind using 10 platforms at once. It may sound like a niche problem, but I would argue that a more mainstream success of social web chats like Mattermost will also depend upon how technologies like email can be incorporated neatly into a new worklow that has undoubtly so much more advantages!
Any thoughts or ideas are very much appreciated! Thank you in advance and thank you for all your hard work!