We’d like to learn if there is any interest from our customers in having the ability to post Mattermost replies directly from your email inbox. If you have Mattermost email notifications turned on, you’re likely one who lives in your email all day and finds it difficult to switch contexts to reply to notifications.
Imagine getting an email from Sigmund here and being able to click the Reply button from your email client which then sends a reply directly to Mattermost without having to switch over.
Sure, sometimes you may need to switch to Mattermost to get the full context, but other times a quick reply is all you need to do and you don’t want to disrupt your current flow. A solution like this may be enough for this kind of scenario.
What do you think? If you’re someone who uses email notifications from Mattermost, we’d love to hear from you.
I’m a little torn on this. On the one hand, a lot of our defense customers are very email-centric, and they want more integration with email. On the other, this seems to allow them to use email rather than Mattermost to connect, and so they won’t really internalize that they’re using Mattermost. That adds risk to renewals and expansions… “Why should we pay for this Mattermost thing when I’m already doing what I need to do with email?”
Great points @john.oliver. I completely agree with what you’re saying. I think the goal here is not to replace Mattermost with email, but to offer a convenient way to reply for quick responses without having to switch away from their email every time. The primary way to collaborate would still be best in Mattermost as it offers a much more robust set of capabilities. Email replies would be limited to simple responses. I will also say that this is something that some of our competitors offer, so it would also be bringing us in line with those expectations.
At this point, it’s just an idea we’re considering - no commitment to actually delivering this.
Thank you for the input!