Are there any DOCs for URL’s for someone looking for help with MatterMost and WebHooks? I am working with a few other systems and using MM for internal messaging.
That I would like to be able to do is along with sending text messages through MM I would like to be able to embed audio, picture, video files.
I have most of this working, but having no end of problems with embedded media.
Any assistance would be great!!
Those are all great links! I have seen all of them and have got my webhook almost working properly. The problem I am having is when I send an image to MM the image never shows up in the stream, only a broken link icon. What I am hoping for is to send an embedded image to MM. using the code:
curl -i --insecure -X POST --data-urlencode 'payload={"attachments": [ { "fallback": "test", "color": "#ff8000", "text": "Picture below.", "author_name": "Home Assistant Monitor", "author_icon": "", "text": "", "title": "Porch Motion Detected!" } ] }'<<< Webhook Key >>>>
As you can see the icon beside “Home Assistant Monitor”
The other link is being sent as a link right now, but it is a large picture I would like there instead.