BigblueButton sends data to blindsidenetworks

Hi everybody,

We have a mattermost instance in our research lab as well as a BigBlueButton one. We tried to connect both with the mattermost plugin GitHub - blindsidenetworks/mattermost-plugin-bigbluebutton: BigBlueButton plugin for Mattermost
However, our system team detected that each time we launch a bigbluebutton meeting from mattermost with this plugin, it sent data to blindsidenetworks and so they desinstalled the plugin.

Is there a way to connect bbb with mattermost without sending any data outside our instance of bbb?

Mathieu Lacroix

Hello, @mathieu_lacroix

With reference to the statement here:

However, our system team detected that each time we launch a bigbluebutton meeting from mattermost with this plugin, it sent data to blindsidenetworks and so they desinstalled the plugin.

Can you provide more details to this as to how you detected the data being send to Blindsidenetworks? Also, may I know if you utilized your own BBB server?


Sorry for the late answer but it takes me some time to get the whole information.
We have our own bbb server. When we launch a bbb meeting via mattermost, it first redirects to blindsidenetworks before going to our own bbb server. So the administrator system uninstalls the plugin.

It seems to be a known issue of the plugin (

Is there a way to connect bbb with mattermost without redirection?

Mathieu Lacroix

Hello, @mathieu_lacroix

No worries. While this known issue is related to the plugin itself, I would think that it is best for us to continuously reach out to the developers from the github page itself for transparency since Mattermost Server itself does not have control over the plugin and the redirection.

Let me know if you prefer me to follow up with the details in the link you shared earlier. Thanks.

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Hello @ahmaddanial,

Thanks for the reply. It would be indeed great if you accept to follow up with the plugin issue.

Mathieu Lacroix

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Hello, @mathieu_lacroix

Sure thing. Would you mind confirming the version of Mattermost Server and the version of the plugin that you have installed please?

I’ll share that to the plugin team. Thanks.


I have asked the system team of my lab. I will give you the information as soon as I get it.



The version of mattermost is 5.25.2 et the version of the plugin is 2.1.0


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Hello, @mathieu_lacroix

Got it. I have shared the information to the issue for the visibility of the plugin developer. :+1: