Cannot close sent ToDos


I have a problem with 4 ToDo I’ve created in the past. Those one cannot be neither closed nor assigned (for example to me myself or other person). The persons that had this ToDos assigned at the begining don’t see those ToDos - it looks like their orphaned in the database.
The only options I have are

  • modify of the text
  • assign the ToDo (does not work)
    How can I get ride of those 4 ToDos?

Best regards

Hi cube! Sorry to hear about this tricky issue you’re experiencing. Have you already tried running through all the suggestions in our ToDo plugin documentation to see if there’s a fix there?

I’ve tried it before and tried it once more today. Results as follows:

  • /todo list or /todo list in results with “Nothing to do” - True
  • /todo list out - shows me all the 4 problematic todos - cannot do anything with it
  • /todo pop - “There are no Todos to pop.” - True

I have also new ToDo to one of my Team Mates and everything was working correctly
The Team Mates that those 4 ToDos were assigned don’t see it when doing the /todo list or /todo list in.

I have found a github issue describing the same problem, currently no solution