So here is where we are at (The forum cut me off from talking to you yesterday, which is absolutely silly but if it gives the admins warm fuzzies to be “big and bad” on the internet ore power to em)
If we install mattermost like you said we will end up with a fully working installation (sans the notifications which is honestly a CRIPPLING feature removal, who uses messaging without notifications?) however when we install Iredmail it wipes out mattermost. Were thinking this is because of port conflicts.
We ordered a new IP for this server and are thinking if we can install mattermost and then move its IP to the “other one” it will use a different port stack and “shouldnt” conflict with the mailserver setup, as long as they both have their IP separated ,
That leads me to taking a look at this .conf file, I noticed there are two and I have never altered a default IP, so your guidance is still needed. Also do we “nuke” this server, or can we come back from this by altering the IP that MM uses?
Also I need to think long term if we cannot use Notifications without the enterprise upsell, what are we really doing here, we cannot expect our team to just sit in front of their devices 24/7, I am fully willing to learn or hire a gig worker to do the “Custom app” route, and compile them, if you think I can do that, but otherwise then that we would have to use another app/system to notify everyone they have a message in the other system
thoughts on all this, and appreciation for you spending the time!