Command with a trigger of '/zoom' not found

Hello today i tried to integrate zoom in my instllation, but i dont get where my mistake ist - its account level:
After saving the app in Zoom i just get this site in the end

The configs is used - i used no webhoocks, because i wanted first the zoom to run.

I gratefrul for your input!!!

I’m assuming you got the Zoom plugin via Zoom Plugin - Mattermost and saw the docs there, as well as

What does /opt/mattermost/logs/mattermost.log say? Be sure to enable DEBUG logging.

Thank you i got the dev otions enablled and the most recenz log line mentioning zoom is this:
{“timestamp”:“2024-09-04 16:02:58.396 +02:00”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“RPC call ExecuteCommand to plugin failed.”,“caller”:“plugin/client_rpc_generated.go:104”,“plugin_id”:“zoom”,“error”:“connection is shut down”}

Here ist the minute in this log:
{“timestamp”:“2024-09-04 16:01:50.336 +02:00”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“RPC call OnConfigurationChange to plugin failed.”,“caller”:“plugin/client_rpc_generated.go:67”,“plugin_id”:“playbooks”,“error”:“connection is shut down”}
{“timestamp”:“2024-09-04 16:01:50.336 +02:00”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“RPC call OnConfigurationChange to plugin failed.”,“caller”:“plugin/client_rpc_generated.go:67”,“plugin_id”:“zoom”,“error”:“connection is shut down”}
{“timestamp”:“2024-09-04 16:01:50.336 +02:00”,“level”:“info”,“msg”:“Loaded system translations”,“caller”:“i18n/i18n.go:175”,“for locale”:“en”,“from locale”:“/usr/share/grommunio-chat/i18n/en.json”}
{“timestamp”:“2024-09-04 16:01:55.356 +02:00”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“Plugin failed to ServeHTTP, RPC call failed”,“caller”:“plugin/client_rpc.go:423”,“plugin_id”:“playbooks”,“error”:“connection is shut down”}
{“timestamp”:“2024-09-04 16:02:00.357 +02:00”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“Plugin failed to ServeHTTP, muxBroker couldn’t Accept request body connection”,“caller”:“plugin/client_rpc.go:397”,“plugin_id”:“playbooks”,“error”:“timeout waiting for accept”}
{“timestamp”:“2024-09-04 16:02:00.357 +02:00”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“Plugin failed to ServeHTTP, muxBroker couldn’t accept connection”,“caller”:“plugin/client_rpc.go:378”,“plugin_id”:“playbooks”,“serve_http_stream_id”:467,“error”:“timeout waiting for accept”}
{“timestamp”:“2024-09-04 16:02:43.687 +02:00”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“Plugin failed to ServeHTTP, RPC call failed”,“caller”:“plugin/client_rpc.go:423”,“plugin_id”:“playbooks”,“error”:“connection is shut down”}
{“timestamp”:“2024-09-04 16:02:43.690 +02:00”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“Plugin failed to ServeHTTP, RPC call failed”,“caller”:“plugin/client_rpc.go:423”,“plugin_id”:“playbooks”,“error”:“connection is shut down”}
{“timestamp”:“2024-09-04 16:02:48.688 +02:00”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“Plugin failed to ServeHTTP, muxBroker couldn’t Accept request body connection”,“caller”:“plugin/client_rpc.go:397”,“plugin_id”:“playbooks”,“error”:“timeout waiting for accept”}
{“timestamp”:“2024-09-04 16:02:48.688 +02:00”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“Plugin failed to ServeHTTP, muxBroker couldn’t accept connection”,“caller”:“plugin/client_rpc.go:378”{“timestamp”:“2024-09-04 16:02:58.396 +02:00”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“RPC call ExecuteCommand to plugin failed.”,“caller”:“plugin/client_rpc_generated.go:104”,“plugin_id”:“zoom”,“error”:“connection is shut down”}
,“plugin_id”:“playbooks”,“serve_http_stream_id”:469,“error”:“timeout waiting for accept”}
{“timestamp”:“2024-09-04 16:02:48.691 +02:00”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“Plugin failed to ServeHTTP, muxBroker couldn’t Accept request body connection”,“caller”:“plugin/client_rpc.go:397”,“plugin_id”:“playbooks”,“error”:“timeout waiting for accept”}
{“timestamp”:“2024-09-04 16:02:48.691 +02:00”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“Plugin failed to ServeHTTP, muxBroker couldn’t accept connection”,“caller”:“plugin/client_rpc.go:378”,“plugin_id”:“playbooks”,“serve_http_stream_id”:471,“error”:“timeout waiting for accept”}
{“timestamp”:“2024-09-04 16:03:55.356 +02:00”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“Plugin failed to ServeHTTP, RPC call failed”,“caller”:“plugin/client_rpc.go:423”,“plugin_id”:“playbooks”,“error”:“connection is shut down”}
{“timestamp”:“2024-09-04 16:04:00.356 +02:00”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“Plugin failed to ServeHTTP, muxBroker couldn’t Accept request body connection”,“caller”:“plugin/client_rpc.go:397”,“plugin_id”:“playbooks”,“error”:“timeout waiting for accept”}
{“timestamp”:“2024-09-04 16:04:00.356 +02:00”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“Plugin failed to ServeHTTP, muxBroker couldn’t accept connection”,“caller”:“plugin/client_rpc.go:378”,“plugin_id”:“playbooks”,“serve_http_stream_id”:473,“error”:“timeout waiting for accept”}

Was DEBUG on? Troubleshooting Mattermost issues - Mattermost documentation

Do you have the most recent version?

yeah in enabled debug in the options and the version is Version: 9.5.1Database Schema Version: 119 Build Number: 39 Database: mysql

  "caller": "web/context.go:111",
  "err_where": "command",
  "error": "command: Command with a trigger of 'zoom' not found. To send a message beginning with \"/\", try adding an empty space at the beginning of the message.",
  "http_code": 404,
  "ip_addr": "",
  "level": "debug",
  "method": "POST",
  "msg": "Command with a trigger of 'zoom' not found. To send a message beginning with \"/\", try adding an empty space at the beginning of the message.",
  "path": "/chat/api/v4/commands/execute",
  "request_id": "ikscqkifq7yx9qqp5dcnef485r",
  "timestamp": "2024-09-09 10:30:50.932 +02:00",
  "user_id": "3xse3pot57g73x86zupmm5iath"

This error i get when klicking at the right to start a meeting:

  "caller": "app/plugin_api.go:997",
  "level": "debug",
  "msg": "Plugin telemetry event `zoom_oauth_mode_change` tracked, but not sent due to configuration",
  "plugin_id": "zoom",
  "timestamp": "2024-09-09 13:25:06.508 +02:00"

Huh! If you go to the System Console, Plugin Management, do you see the Zoom plugin as green and running? What version is it? Maybe poke around in /opt/mattermost/plugins and look for the Zoom plugin and see if permissions look correct, etc?

A search turned up [SOLVED] Custom Slash Command - Command with a trigger failed which suggests: If anyone wants the solution: AllowedUntrustedInternalConnections in config.json needs to contain the hostname of the webhook. That seems odd in this case, but worth a try!

1 Like

okay i added, what i used in the zoom app.
And i can now use the /zoom commands!!!

Is there any kind of debug toom to check the credentials of zoom?