Mattermost Zoom plugin integration stopped working in two weeks


I have installed Mattermost and was able to integrate Zoom plugin with mattermost using the steps mentioned in the below documentation.

We already have a paid account with Zoom and was able to add other users under this account after proceeding with the App build option in zoom. The integration was working and we were able to use this option for nearly more than a week but this suddenly stopped working. We already have the users added under the main zoom user and also have used the email address for mattermost and zoom accounts. We have already checked the server logs and also the zoom app build logs but couldn’t find any errors. Also, the mattermost interface is also showing no errors when we click the zoom button.

Have any of you faced the same issue earlier. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Hi @sandeepsasikumar15,

Would you be open to sharing information on your OS and version, Mattermost server version and your config settings related to plugins?

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Hello @amy.blais,

Thank you for the update.

We are using Centos 7 and Mattermost Version: 5.10.0 TEAM Edition.

Have enabled the zoom integration using the documentation

This was working fine and stopped automatically after few days without any changes.

Hi @sandeepsasikumar15,

If you’re not seeing any errors, what happens when the Zoom doesn’t work?
Also, would you be open to sharing your Mattermost plugin related config settings?

Hello @amy.blais,

Thank you for the update.

Once I click on the zoom link it doesn’t show any error nor any actions. In the earlier case, a zoom link will be sent to the concerned person in chat but now it is not working. Regarding the Mattermost plugin settings, We have only configured the zoom plugin as mentioned in the zoom integration document shared in the previous update.

Is this the one which we are referring here?

Thank you in advance.

Hi @sandeepsasikumar15,

  1. What version of Zoom are you using?
  2. When setting up the plugin, did you follow all the steps and special notes on the document?
  3. Can you help set your System Console > Logging > File Log Level to debug, then try a Zoom call, and check the System Console > Logs for any error messages.

Trying to think of ways to debug this,

Hello @amy.blais,

Thank you for the update.

Regarding the questions.

  1. Zoom version 2.6.14

  2. Yes, We have followed all the steps mentioned in the documentation including the special notes.

  3. I have enabled the File Log level as mentioned to Debug now. Tried clicking on the zoom plugin again. The below are the first three lines from the logs.

{“level”:“info”,“ts”:1559111923.15714,“caller”:“scheduler/worker.go:78”,“msg”:“Worker: Job is complete”,“worker”:“Plugins”,“job_id”:“un3iydqf4bdy9********”}
{“level”:“info”,“ts”:1559111983.3037357,“caller”:“scheduler/worker.go:78”,“msg”:“Worker: Job is complete”,“worker”:“Plugins”,“job_id”:“d7yo11rj8j8h**********”}
{“level”:“info”,“ts”:1559112043.4320395,“caller”:“scheduler/worker.go:78”,“msg”:“Worker: Job is complete”,“worker”:“Plugins”,“job_id”:“s81tp4c8qj*************”}

Hi @sandeepsasikumar15, Would you be open to sharing your log lines mentioning zoom / plugin_id to receive more information about zoom’s output?

Hello @amy.blais,

Thank you for the update.

On checking the logs, I am not able find any lines mentioning the string ‘zoom’ nor ‘plugin_id’. The suspicious looking part from the logs is as mentioned below.

{"level":"debug","ts":1559***.****39,"caller":"mlog/log.go:160","msg":"CSRF Check failed for request - Please migrate your plugin to either send a CSRF Header or Form Field, XMLHttpRequest is deprecated"}
{"level":"debug","ts":1559***.*****14,"caller":"mlog/log.go:160","msg":"CSRF Check failed for request - Please migrate your plugin to either send a CSRF Header or Form Field, XMLHttpRequest is deprecated"}
{"level":"debug","ts":1559***.****21,"caller":"mlog/log.go:160","msg":"CSRF Check failed for request - Please migrate your plugin to either send a CSRF Header or Form Field, XMLHttpRequest is deprecated"}
{"level":"debug","ts":1559***.****78,"caller":"mlog/log.go:160","msg":"CSRF Check failed for request - Please migrate your plugin to either send a CSRF Header or Form Field, XMLHttpRequest is deprecated"}
{"level":"debug","ts":1559***.****81,"caller":"mlog/log.go:160","msg":"CSRF Check failed for request - Please migrate your plugin to either send a CSRF Header or Form Field, XMLHttpRequest is deprecated"}
{"level":"debug","ts":1559***.*****83,"caller":"mlog/log.go:160","msg":"CSRF Check failed for request - Please migrate your plugin to either send a CSRF Header or Form Field, XMLHttpRequest is deprecated"}
{"level":"debug","ts":1559****.***64,"caller":"mlog/log.go:160","msg":"CSRF Check failed for request - Please migrate your plugin to either send a CSRF Header or Form Field, XMLHttpRequest is deprecated"}


Hi @sandeepsasikumar15, an issue was opened on the Zoom Github repo, so I’m waiting for our team to take a look at this:

Hello @amy.blais,

Thank you for the update.

Will wait for an update from the team.

Hi @amy.blais,

I have the same issue. But in the console, I got an error

POST 404

Zoom Plugin is configured the same as in documentation.

Thanks in Advance.

Hi @adhershmnair, Would you be open to sharing information on your OS and version, Mattermost server version and your config settings related to plugins?

@amy.blais the problem solved. That was because of the api url mismatched. May be @sandeepsasikumar15 also have the same problem.
I have used instead of
And when I changed the URL and restarted the plugin, It works fine.
@sandeepsasikumar15 please check with the API Url.

@amy.blais Thanks for you support.