Direct Message Frozen

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I was using the direct message feature and sent a friend a link to an application but now our direct message chat locks up mattermost in the browser tab and the desktop client :frowning: .

Steps to reproduce

I haven’t tried to replicate issue do to locking up already one chat but below is a similar link I sent.,mode:relative,to:now))&_a=(columns:!(kubernetes.container_name,message),index:‘*’,query:(query_string:(analyze_wildcard:!t,query:‘kubernetes.pod_name:%22xxx-xxx-5-h15va%22%20AND%20kubernetes.namespace_name:%22xxx-xxx%22’)),sort:!(’@timestamp’,desc))

Expected behavior

For mattermost to handle the link correctly. Also maybe a way to delete a bad message or even the full direct message chat.

Observed behavior

Nothing really. I sent the message and after that every time either of us go back to the direct message it locks up the browser tab or desktop client.

Hi @strantalis

Thank you for your report!

So we can try to reproduce the issue, could you help by providing us with the following information please?:

  • Browser type
  • Which version of Mattermost are you running in the browser?
  • Desktop app version (version 3.6 has just been released which you can download from this page
  • Whether you and the person you’re in a direct message with are on the same team or different teams
