Has anybody installed on esxi

New to all this.
I want to install mattermost as a vm on my esxi. I was just wondering if anybody has done this. I want to give the vm;

Ubunutu 14.04 with vmware tools installed
2 cpu with hyper threading
4 to 6 GB Ram
1 nic
100 to 150 GB of disk space

The reason that I want to go esxi is. I have the space and hardware and the backup ability.
I think I will be ok doing this I just was looking to see if anybody has done this and ran in to a brick wall to save myself some time.

Thank you

We have Mattermost running on Debian 7 in a VM on ESXi :slight_smile:

For Mattermost there is really no difference whether the underlying OS is installed on physical hardware directly or on virtualized hardware.
If you have questions regarding installation / operation of ESXi am afraid this is not the best place for that.

Let me know if I can help you any further.