I can't log into the app on my phone

Hello! I have a Mattermost server. You can log in to it via the web version and the desktop app, but I can’t log in via the mobile app (iPhone). It says that the login details are incorrect, but they are correct because I logged in to the web version and desktop version with them. I don’t have a reverse proxy. Please tell me what settings I can check or view and what else might affect the ability to log in.

What are the versions of your app & server?

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server Mattermost: 10.4.2
app: 2.24.1(593)

Is this only experienced by one user or multiple? Were you able to log in with previous versions of the app? Are there any special characters in your password? Maybe you discovered a bug with a particular character or sequence of characters? Can you try changing the password and see if that works?

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  1. None of my colleagues can log in using the phone app.
  2. The server is new, so this is the first attempt to connect to it from the phone app; therefore, we haven’t tried it on other versions.
  3. My password definitely meets the requirements: it is complex, and since I set these requirements, it allows me to authenticate in the web version and the Windows app.
  4. I wrote down the password in my notes and copy it from there to avoid manual errors, so I’m afraid changing it won’t help.

Can you enable DEBUG logging Mattermost logging - Mattermost documentation then watch the logs while trying to log in?

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" {“timestamp”:“2025-02-13 19:57:22.573 Z”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“http: TLS handsh
ake error from acme/autocert: missing server name”,“caller”:
{“timestamp”:“2025-02-13 19:58:02.723 Z”,“level”:“warn”,“msg”:“Failed to write c
ontent to HTTP reply”,“caller”:“web/static.go:102”,“path”:“/”,“request_id”:“rfhk
error":“http2: request body closed due to handler exiting”}
{“timestamp”:“2025-02-13 19:58:16.831 Z”,“level”:“warn”,“msg”:“Failed to write c
ontent to HTTP reply”,“caller”:“web/static.go:102”,“path”:“/”,“request_id”:“uaru
error":“http2: request body closed due to handler exiting”} "
I have a certificate from Let’s Encrypt

Android is really picky about certificates. You need to load a bundle onto the Android device that contains the full trust chain… the certificate for the Mattermost server, any and all intermediate CAs that signed it, the root, everything.

It’s very strange because the login attempts were made exclusively from the iPhone, and it is from this that it is not possible to log in

That is odd! Maybe try asking in Mattermost