Hello all,
Since I installed 10.2.0 I’m not getting more notifications on my phone about new messages.
Is this a possible bug, or the mobile messenger was changed, or changes on settings?
Hi @RbDev, thank you for reaching out! It’s possible that your notification settings may need to be reviewed or updated after the upgrade. Here’s a guide on troubleshooting mobile notifications that might help. Let us know if the issue persists!
I rolledback to 10.1.12 and it is working again.
We need to find out what has changed and fix for the next release.
I noticed that you’ve released a new patch 10.2.1, but the patch log doesn’t mention any resolution to this issue. Was any work done on this regard? Or should I wait for the next patch?
I tried installing 10.4.2 and again I’m not getting any notifications.
What happened since version 10.2.0 ?
The document you linked before doesn’t help.
The notification server settings has got 3 fields and they are all filled and I cant see anything out of the ordinary.
We need to figure this out otherwise I wont be able to update.
v10 changelog - Mattermost documentation doesn’t seem to give a specific answer. You could try asking in Mattermost
Sorry, but I’m still having this issue.
I’m trying MM Server 10.5.1
Notifications are still not working
but I managed to find this error in the logs:
{“timestamp”:“2025-02-24 03:27:21.360 Z”,“level”:“error”,“msg”:“Failed to send mobile app sessions”,“caller”:“app/notification_push.go:124”,“logSource”:“notifications”,“type”:“push”,“status”:“error”,“reason”:“fetch_error”,“user_id”:“ia9bwacoqpgaxyk8qyp7d1ox5y”,“error”:“getMobileAppSessions: We encountered an error while finding user sessions., failed to find Sessions with userId=ia9bwacoqpgaxyk8qyp7d1ox5y: Error 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ‘>>’$.last_removed_device_id’, ‘’)’ at line 9”}
MariaDB is not supported. And as of 11.x MySQL won’t be, either… you need to get migrated to Postgres. Migration guidelines from MySQL to PostgreSQL - Mattermost documentation
Alright so I’m trying to use the migration tool to move from mariadb to postgres.
I started creating the database using the Prepare your Mattermost database - Mattermost documentation step by step all fine.
Then I managed to go through all the processes in Automated PostgreSQL migration - Mattermost documentation with some issues including the addons migration.
- the migration log returns a huge list or errors
$ cat migration.log
2025-03-15T10:11:15.060000Z LOG pgloader version “3.6.7~devel”
2025-03-15T10:11:22.550009Z LOG Migrating from #<MYSQL-CONNECTION mysql://mmuser@ {10066772A3}>
2025-03-15T10:11:22.550009Z LOG Migrating into #<PGSQL-CONNECTION pgsql://mmuser@ {1006677323}>
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“ChannelBookmarks”.“displayname” is casted to type “varchar” which is not the same as “text”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“channelbookmarks”.“displayname”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“ChannelBookmarks”.“sortorder” is casted to type “bigint” which is not the same as “integer”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“channelbookmarks”.“sortorder”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“ChannelBookmarks”.“linkurl” is casted to type “varchar” which is not the same as “text”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“channelbookmarks”.“linkurl”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“ChannelBookmarks”.“imageurl” is casted to type “varchar” which is not the same as “text”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“channelbookmarks”.“imageurl”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“ChannelBookmarks”.“type” is casted to type “channel_bookmark_type” which is not the same as “mattermost.channel_bookmark_type”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“channelbookmarks”.“type”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“ChannelMembers”.“notifyprops” is casted to type “text” which is not the same as “jsonb”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“channelmembers”.“notifyprops”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“Channels”.“type” is casted to type “channel_type” which is not the same as “mattermost.channel_type”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“channels”.“type”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“Jobs”.“data” is casted to type “text” which is not the same as “jsonb”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“jobs”.“data”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“LinkMetadata”.“data” is casted to type “text” which is not the same as “jsonb”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“linkmetadata”.“data”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“OutgoingOAuthConnections”.“oauthtokenurl” is casted to type “varchar” which is not the same as “text”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“outgoingoauthconnections”.“oauthtokenurl”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“OutgoingOAuthConnections”.“granttype” is casted to type “varchar” which is not the same as “mattermost.outgoingoauthconnections_granttype”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“outgoingoauthconnections”.“granttype”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“Posts”.“props” is casted to type “text” which is not the same as “jsonb”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“posts”.“props”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“Preferences”.“value” is casted to type “varchar” which is not the same as “text”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“preferences”.“value”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source “mattermost”.“PropertyFields” with name “propertyfields” in target catalog
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source “mattermost”.“PropertyGroups” with name “propertygroups” in target catalog
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source “mattermost”.“PropertyValues” with name “propertyvalues” in target catalog
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“RecentSearches”.“query” is casted to type “text” which is not the same as “jsonb”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“recentsearches”.“query”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“RetentionIdsForDeletion”.“ids” is casted to type “text” which is not the same as “character varying”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“retentionidsfordeletion”.“ids”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z ERROR pgloader failed to find target table for source “mattermost”.“ScheduledPosts” with name “scheduledposts” in target catalog
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“Sessions”.“props” is casted to type “text” which is not the same as “jsonb”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“sessions”.“props”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“Teams”.“type” is casted to type “team_type” which is not the same as “mattermost.team_type”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“teams”.“type”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“Threads”.“participants” is casted to type “text” which is not the same as “jsonb”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“threads”.“participants”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“UploadSessions”.“type” is casted to type “upload_session_type” which is not the same as “mattermost.upload_session_type”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“uploadsessions”.“type”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.740013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“Users”.“props” is casted to type “text” which is not the same as “jsonb”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“users”.“props”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.750013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“Users”.“notifyprops” is casted to type “text” which is not the same as “jsonb”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“users”.“notifyprops”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.750013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“Users”.“timezone” is casted to type “text” which is not the same as “jsonb”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“users”.“timezone”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.750013Z WARNING Source column “mattermost”.“Users”.“mfausedtimestamps” is casted to type “text” which is not the same as “jsonb”, the type of current target database column “mattermost”.“users”.“mfausedtimestamps”.
2025-03-15T10:11:26.750013Z LOG Skipping mattermost.propertyfields
2025-03-15T10:11:26.750013Z LOG Skipping mattermost.propertygroups
2025-03-15T10:11:26.750013Z LOG Skipping mattermost.propertyvalues
2025-03-15T10:11:26.750013Z LOG Skipping mattermost.scheduledposts
2025-03-15T10:11:27.490015Z WARNING PostgreSQL warning: constraint “fk_retentionpolicieschannels_retentionpolicies” of relation “retentionpolicieschannels” does not exist, skipping
2025-03-15T10:11:27.740014Z WARNING PostgreSQL warning: constraint “fk_retentionpoliciesteams_retentionpolicies” of relation “retentionpoliciesteams” does not exist, skipping
2025-03-15T10:12:12.350068Z LOG report summary reset
- When I try to run mattermost server, the server returns database errors.
mattermost[1692828]: Error: failed to initialize platform: cannot create store: failed to apply database migrations: driver: postgres, message: failed to fetch current schema, command: current_schema, originalError: sql: Scan error on column index 0, name “current_schema”: converting NULL to string is unsupported, query:
mattermost[1692828]: SELECT CURRENT_SCHEMA()
mattermost[1692828]: Usage:
mattermost[1692828]: mattermost [flags]
mattermost[1692828]: mattermost [command]
mattermost[1692828]: Available Commands:
mattermost[1692828]: completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
mattermost[1692828]: db Commands related to the database
mattermost[1692828]: export Export data from Mattermost
mattermost[1692828]: help Help about any command
mattermost[1692828]: import Import data.
mattermost[1692828]: jobserver Start the Mattermost job server
mattermost[1692828]: server Run the Mattermost server
mattermost[1692828]: version Display version information
mattermost[1692828]: Flags:
mattermost[1692828]: -c, --config string Configuration file to use.
mattermost[1692828]: -h, --help help for mattermost
mattermost[1692828]: Use “mattermost [command] --help” for more information about a command.
systemd[1]: mattermost.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
░░ Subject: Unit process exited
- during the migration process, the last stages when migrating the addons, all 3 fails.
[~]$ pgloader boards.load > boards_migration.log
UNDEFINED-TABLE: Database error 42P01: relation “mattermost.focalboard_blocks” does not exist
QUERY: UPDATE mattermost.focalboard_blocks SET “fields” = ‘{}’::json WHERE “fields”::text = ‘’;
An unhandled error condition has been signalled:
Database error 42P01: relation “mattermost.focalboard_blocks” does not exist
QUERY: UPDATE mattermost.focalboard_blocks SET “fields” = ‘{}’::json WHERE “fields”::text = ‘’;
What I am doing here?
Database error 42P01: relation “mattermost.focalboard_blocks” does not exist
QUERY: UPDATE mattermost.focalboard_blocks SET “fields” = ‘{}’::json WHERE “fields”::text = ‘’;
[~]$ pgloader playbooks.load > playbooks_migration.log
DATABASE-ERROR: Database error 3F000: schema “public” does not exist
QUERY: ALTER SCHEMA public RENAME TO mattermost;
An unhandled error condition has been signalled:
Database error 3F000: schema “public” does not exist
QUERY: ALTER SCHEMA public RENAME TO mattermost;
What I am doing here?
Database error 3F000: schema “public” does not exist
QUERY: ALTER SCHEMA public RENAME TO mattermost;
[~]$ pgloader calls.load > calls.log
DATABASE-ERROR: Database error 3F000: schema “public” does not exist
QUERY: ALTER SCHEMA public RENAME TO mattermost;
An unhandled error condition has been signalled:
Database error 3F000: schema “public” does not exist
QUERY: ALTER SCHEMA public RENAME TO mattermost;
What I am doing here?
Database error 3F000: schema “public” does not exist
QUERY: ALTER SCHEMA public RENAME TO mattermost;
I really need help on this.
Honestly, I’d start with a MariaDB to MySQL migration. Since MariaDB is not supported by Mattermost, our migration tool doesn’t take into account whatever differences there are.
It wont make any difference. MariaDb core is MySql and you can see the error messages have nothing to do with compatibility issues.
I’m thinking about going manual and migrate the data myself since this migration assistant doesn’t seem realible .
It will require time but I already wasted 12 hours trying to get the assistant to run and it still failed to migrate the data.