Users Not Getting Notifications - Stuck With Online Status

Hi All,

MM Server: 5.5
MM client: 1.14
Android: 8.1.0
Device: Motorola G5 Plus. (one of them)

I have some Android users complaining about not getting notifications.

After some investigation Ive noticed those users were online even when they were not using the app.

Therefore, I presume MM server doesnt send the notifications since they are online (configured to send only when away and offline).

Could you have a look at this.


Hi @RbDev,

For the affected users, do they:

  1. Close the app and leave it in the background OR
  2. Have the app open and put their phone to sleep?

For how long do they get stuck online?

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Hello, @RbDev.

While I believe that you have gone through the process explained in the Testing Push Notifications to determine the possible root cause here:

After some investigation Ive noticed those users were online even when they were not using the app.

Can you also go through the Troubleshooting Push Notifications guide as well and share your findings here besides sharing the answers to the @amy.blais 's questions? Thanks.

Hi Amy,

I’m sorry but users are users. what you are asking is way to advance for them.

I did tried tho.

In my experience, users dont close apps by default.

In regards to how long, its fair to guess as long as until the next login, via mobile or browser again.


Hi adanial,

They are aware how notifications config work. But you have to agree mobile config is quite limited compared to the browser.

I did check some of the accounts via browser and they are ok.

I’m going to check the log debug later on.


Hi, @RbDev

Understandable. Just interested to see if the push notification was indeed fired to their mobile devices when it should based on the sample log entry shared in the troubleshooting guide.

From there, we might be able to narrow down the root cause to see if it is a server side or rather a client side problem. Let us know how it goes.