Message disappearing on "Send"

Hi all,

server 5.12.1
mobile ios 1.12.1

try to send a message. it hangs. red icon “trying to send” appears. it gets stuck. drag down to refresh. message disappears

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Hi @RbDev, was this during a poor network connection and does this happen regularly?

Hi @amy.blais,

4G connection. Cannot garantee 100% connection.

It seems mobile app cannot handle connection issues when sending new messages.

Sometimes the device has got connection but it’s unable to send or receive data. The app tries to send but it doesn’t work, until the process times out.


Hi @RbDev,

I’ve tried to reproduce your issue on a v5.12.1 server on app version 1.21.0 (build 206) and I am not able to. Messages send fine for me. If I disconnect my internet connection and send a message, I get the “i” next to the message and a notification that I have no connection. When I reconnect and tap on the “i” and “try again” the message is sent successfully.

Are you able to update your device to the latest version?